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Bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang, etc.


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Doc...that post wasn't directed at you specifically...and as far as an answer...I think I gave the only true answer...guys are hard wired for those types of things...as this post is pointing out...The cost?? well you all know I'm cheap enough for the both of us ...if he wants to drop 50-100 bucks in the matter on minutes...I say go for it...he doesn't drink.... smoke or gamble and turns a blind eye to my only vise...hunting.....everyone needs something and he works hard....lol

Now as far as noise....We have a gun club several miles away and they are on the completion circuit....Hell half the time it sounds like they are shooting right on our property...because of the valley and the way the hills are here...I dare say it is more likely quieter to be close to the gun club than where we are...but deer are so use to these sounds ...they will stand after one is shot and try to figure out which direction it came from before running..if at all...The noise that drives me mad are well dogs...but we are in the Rochester fly zone and the Dansville airport is not all that far away.....Planes...aaauuughh

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Deer that are subjected to constant activities quickly become very tolerant. It's like farmers and their tractors, or loggers and their chainsaws. However, when all of a sudden there is a shooting circus breaking out in the middle of the hill where that sort of thing usually never takes place, deer do understand that that is probably not a real good place to be, particularly in the middle of gun season where they are particularly sensitive to human presence, and the sound of gunfire.

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You are kidding, right?? Maybe some won't but I've seen more than one run for the next county!

you shoot at 2 deer. you hit 1, that 1 will jump, and take off. the other one doesn't jump, it just follows the 1st one.

If you shoot over a deers head, they are not running, when they are used to gun shots all season long.

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you shoot at 2 deer. you hit 1, that 1 will jump, and take off. the other one doesn't jump, it just follows the 1st one.

If you shoot over a deers head, they are not running, when they are used to gun shots all season long.

LOL ... It's not too often that I have taken a shot and watched the deer just stand there looking at me. In the middle of a gun deer season, deer know exactly what gunfire is all about. They catch on very fast. The only time that I have ever seen a deer hesitate was when it was obvious that they were confused as to what direction the shot came from. And even then, they seemed to figure it out in a very short period of time. And that has only happened once that I can remember.

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PS last post that was suppose to be competition...not completion...hhmmm missed that one...lol

Anyhow...I have many many times shot and not had the deer run.....I've killed deer and had the others stand around it....I once shot a large doe out of a herd of deer...I'm not for head shots...though this one was a deliberate head shot...she simple folded up.... legs under her and chin on the ground...a young buck in the group went right up and tried to mount her...mind you he was 20 yrds away when I shot...I had to yell at all of them to get them away....Though it might make a difference in that I take drop them where they stand shots when ever possible

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PS last post that was suppose to be competition...not completion...hhmmm missed that one...lol

Anyhow...I have many many times shot and not had the deer run.....I've killed deer and had the others stand around it....I once shot a large doe out of a herd of deer...I'm not for head shots...though this one was a deliberate head shot...she simple folded up.... legs under her and chin on the ground...a young buck in the group went right up and tried to mount her...mind you he was 20 yrds away when I shot...I had to yell at all of them to get them away....Though it might make a difference in that I take drop them where they stand shots when ever possible

see, that is exactly my experience. They get so used to gun fire after a week, it echos off the mountains, and it doesn't bother them at all. If gun fire bothered deer, after every shot, you would see deer running everywhere.

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see, that is exactly my experience. They get so used to gun fire after a week, it echos off the mountains, and it doesn't bother them at all. If gun fire bothered deer, after every shot, you would see deer running everywhere.

Lol .... I guess our deer are a tad smarter than your average whitetail.

No you're right, A deer will not spook from a shot that's on the other side of the valley. And it does get to be a question of just how close to the shooting they have to be before they do panic. However, there is no doubt that when they are close enough to feel that they are being shot at, they will panic (and rightfully so ..... lol). They are not getting conditioned to ignore gunshots, they just understand when the shots are within their tolerance zone. I think it's safe to say that anyone trying to hunt in the immediate area of all that shooting probably would be wise to vacate the area and do their hunting elsewhere. The odds of a deer walking toward or into that area are probably pretty slim.

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Lol .... I guess our deer are a tad smarter than your average whitetail.

No you're right, A deer will not spook from a shot that's on the other side of the valley. And it does get to be a question of just how close to the shooting they have to be before they do panic. However, there is no doubt that when they are close enough to feel that they are being shot at, they will panic (and rightfully so ..... lol). They are not getting conditioned to ignore gunshots, they just understand when the shots are within their tolerance zone. I think it's safe to say that anyone trying to hunt in the immediate area of all that shooting probably would be wise to vacate the area and do their hunting elsewhere. The odds of a deer walking toward or into that area are probably pretty slim.

Last weekend, when I shot my doe, all of the deer scattered as she ran, but one stayed with that doe. They both ran directly to me (from 90 yards out) and stood right behind my stand. That other deer did not leave until I got out of the stand. Then, while we were gutting her out, we had another big doe come in and stay 20 yards from us until she finally took off. Unfortunately it was too late to take the second one that came in, and I was out of reloads and couldnt take the one that was originally hanging around.

I have also had many many experiences where I shoot a deer and other deer hang around afterwards, looking or sniffing the dead deer, or I just stay in my stand for a bit and have deer come in to the same location soon after.

Thats why I dont buy into the stuff guys say about deer going into hiding after the first gun shot on opening day. It just doesnt happen in my experience.

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Last weekend, when I shot my doe, all of the deer scattered as she ran, but one stayed with that doe. They both ran directly to me (from 90 yards out) and stood right behind my stand. That other deer did not leave until I got out of the stand. Then, while we were gutting her out, we had another big doe come in and stay 20 yards from us until she finally took off. Unfortunately it was too late to take the second one that came in, and I was out of reloads and couldnt take the one that was originally hanging around.

I have also had many many experiences where I shoot a deer and other deer hang around afterwards, looking or sniffing the dead deer, or I just stay in my stand for a bit and have deer come in to the same location soon after.

Thats why I dont buy into the stuff guys say about deer going into hiding after the first gun shot on opening day. It just doesnt happen in my experience.

Yeah, like I said, I guess the deer in my area are just a tad smarter than some in other areas.

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only in a rifle, illegal in a handgun if it has more than 10 no matter when it was made.

How about 10 in the clip and one in the magazine? That's kind of what it all sounded like. A lot of times there were only 10 shots, but occasionally there would be 11. Never was more than 11 with each group of shots.

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Well, these guys were far enough away from me that I wasn't really being affected. But it did stir my curiosity. Yeah, if they had been just a couple hundred yards away, I would have had an entirely different attitude. Most likely I would have put some distance between me and them.

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I was hunting today about 200 yrds behind some houses. There is a bunch of shooting down below me and I see deer running up the hill. I get ready only to have one of the neighbors start up a chainsaw and the deer veered off in another direction. Now the tree he was cutting up was one that he cut down just before Sandy came through so it wouldnt fall on his house. So its been layin there for that long. And just as I have deer run to me he decides hes going to cut it up. WTH!!!!!

Then it gets better. I stayed there just incase they come back and the saw shuts off. Im like hey nice and quite again. Then I hear a commotion about 60 yrds away and the guy is walking up through the woods with a white hard hat on. He has his back to me and doesnt see me then procedes to cut down another tree. It falls and he walks away. WTH!!!!! :wild:

Edited by erussell
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figure if someone was breaking into your house you would love the last thing for them to see is the shimmering glimmer off your teeth as the muzzle spits flame and flashes of light against your evil twisted teeth bearing grin while you pump round after round into this person who wanted nothing else but to harm your innocent family for their own greed. Time for mr thundermaker to start barking fire! gagagagagagagagagagagaga.....COME GET SOME!!

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