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Police Wasting Taxpayer money


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I just went to the Post office, there was a Sherriff vehicle there before I got there. It was sitting in the parking lot and had been left running, whether or not it was locked I cannot say, but that leads to an interesting second thought.

Anyhow, I go inside and there is a sherriff inside reading a paper.

I get my mail from the mailbox, I go next door and order my food, they cook it and I take it to go. I get back in my vehicle and see that it is still there. Running this whole time, lord knows how long it was there before I got there or how long after I left.

My point is that we as taxpayers pay for the fuel being wasted, and it is also an unnecessary contribution to global warming and now I come to think of it wear and tear on the motor also....

This is not the first time I have seen this happen, I have seen it from various departments in various areas. You know these people wouldn't leave their own vehicle running, so why do they do this with ones that we as taxpayers provide.

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I would reckon that the more fuel the vehicle uses, the easier it is to convince his boss that he was "working".

I see this in public school systems as well, where it's summer time and the heat is blasting. When confronted with the high temps, the answer was "we need to use more heat so we can have a budget for heat next year".

The system is broken, mostly at the top level.

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Today I was in the supermarket and the person in front of me paid for all their groceries with a benefit card funded by taxpayer money.....there's a very good chance that Officer will do some good in his life, the person I described, without going into too much detail, will probably never do anything that benefit's the taxpayer.........talk about a real waste of taxpayer money.

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Today I was in the supermarket and the person in front of me paid for all their groceries with a benefit card funded by taxpayer money.....there's a very good chance that Officer will do some good in his life, the person I described, without going into too much detail, will probably never do anything that benefit's the taxpayer.........talk about a real waste of taxpayer money.

What always gets me is when someone uses their benefit card for their groceries, and then their cash for lottery tickets or beer.

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I could be wrong but I think I have heard that they leave the vehicles running because of the computers. If they shut the car off the computer shut downs and if there is an emerency it would talk to long to boot back up. Not sticking up for it being right or wrong just passing along what I have heard in the past.

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I could be wrong but I think I have heard that they leave the vehicles running because of the computers. If they shut the car off the computer shut downs and if there is an emerency it would talk to long to boot back up. Not sticking up for it being right or wrong just passing along what I have heard in the past.

Makes sense... I see this all the time. Cop cars running with no one in them.

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I could be wrong but I think I have heard that they leave the vehicles running because of the computers. If they shut the car off the computer shut downs and if there is an emerency it would talk to long to boot back up. Not sticking up for it being right or wrong just passing along what I have heard in the past.

That is why they do it. Also K-9 officers leave the car running while the dog is left in the back so they don't get too hot or cold.

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I could be wrong but I think I have heard that they leave the vehicles running because of the computers. If they shut the car off the computer shut downs and if there is an emerency it would talk to long to boot back up. Not sticking up for it being right or wrong just passing along what I have heard in the past.

Not sure if this is true or false, but I'd expect a 3000$ laptop to hold a charge long enough to last several hours before needing a charge from the car. Even then, the engine does not need to be running to keep an accessory on. A car battery will keep a dying laptop charged for many hours AND start a vehicle with no problems.

I know folks would like to believe that those sworn to serve and protect is doing the right thing all the time, but if it walks like a duck....

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Today I was in the supermarket and the person in front of me paid for all their groceries with a benefit card funded by taxpayer money.....there's a very good chance that Officer will do some good in his life, the person I described, without going into too much detail, will probably never do anything that benefit's the taxpayer.........talk about a real waste of taxpayer money.

I remember a while back, standing in line at the service counter of a local grocery store.The couple in front of me had a baby in a stroller. I saw that the father was sending a fist full f $100 dollar bills to Banco De Mexico, via Western Union. When he was done the mother bought two cans of baby formula on her "benefit" card. I made a wise crack, about it, to the guy in line behind me and the little lady heard me. She proceeded to lecture me on how she was entitled to her bene card, because she "qualified" and that I was raciest, even though she was white, and blah blah blah...I pointed out to her the wad of cash that dad of the year just forked out. Then I just kept talking over her, repeating "use your own money"... Use your own money" They stormed out and every one else in line clapped.

AHHH Memories & what a great system

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My computer runs just fine from the battery via inverter when vehicle isn't running. If that is the case they need brighter techs.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

I can tell you that a lot of police cars will drain the battery out if the computers, radio and other equipment is left on with the car off. Maybe the tech guys do stink, but thats the case. Also, at this time of year they want to keep the windshields clear while they are not in the car. But Im sure that their #1 reason is to keep their free donuts and coffee warm, inside the car. (Fake laugh)

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I watched a NYST sit in a marked suv while it was running. He was watching his kid play soccer for an hour. It was 65 degrees.

what's worse, him watching his kid play soccer or you watching him? I'm sure watching the game must have been more entertaining..but then again maybe not.

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Global warming? Now you're really gonna piss off the conservatives.

We conservatives believe in the global warming, we just don't believe that it's being caused by our lack of concern for the environment... global warming and cooling have occured on earth since the beginning of time.

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my friend is a police officer in a small town in Jersey and The school districts put so much pressure on the town to put one patrol car and one officer at every school all day long. this being said my buddy said that doing so only left one officer to cover any and all emergencies for the whole town...... Hummm Maybe that town is a good one to target to rob a bank with only one patrol car on the road for the whole town....

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my friend is a police officer in a small town in Jersey and The school districts put so much pressure on the town to put one patrol car and one officer at every school all day long. this being said my buddy said that doing so only left one officer to cover any and all emergencies for the whole town...... Hummm Maybe that town is a good one to target to rob a bank with only one patrol car on the road for the whole town....

Good post... this is the kind of knee jerk reaction that tries to solve one problem by creating another.

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This is a quote from myreporter website.

"The most important reason is that the large amounts of electronic equipment installed inside modern patrol vehicles — like the laptops, dash cameras, radios, siren boxes, light chargers, etc.—suck up tons of power. Each time the vehicle is cut off, an officer has to turn off all that equipment or run the risk of draining the vehicle’s battery power in minutes. And then when they get back inside, they would have to turn all that stuff back on and wait for it to reboot before driving again. This especially comes into play when vehicles park with their sirens on, because the flashing lights eat up a lot of battery."

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This is a quote from myreporter website.

"The most important reason is that the large amounts of electronic equipment installed inside modern patrol vehicles — like the laptops, dash cameras, radios, siren boxes, light chargers, etc.—suck up tons of power. Each time the vehicle is cut off, an officer has to turn off all that equipment or run the risk of draining the vehicle’s battery power in minutes. And then when they get back inside, they would have to turn all that stuff back on and wait for it to reboot before driving again. This especially comes into play when vehicles park with their sirens on, because the flashing lights eat up a lot of battery."

That's not what they want to hear..........you gotta tell them it serves no purpose and they do it just because they can.

Edited by jjb4900
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