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12 acres Otsego County Hunting Property (FS)

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i read your posts, geno i know you dont b/s if something smells fishy she might have a yeast infection [ thats bad i caught bluefish smelled better than that] pm me geno [ idont know how] i'd like to take a look . i would trust you than some of the brokers[ right name]i'vedealt with.rather owners than real estate . there was a guy that a vertized in the LIF magizine in sept .12 acres in colchester i didnt act and he sold it . he saidhe wanted to spend more time on his boat striper fishing on thenorth shore after sandy i hope it workrd out for him he as retiring ,why hold something that you pay taxes on and travel 4 hrs to get to plus the wife factors in to iknow people in rockaway that just bought the house and lost everthing same up in hunter last spring washed out total loss and fema dont give nothing for 2nd home or property

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when I bought my farm I didn't believe what the realtor/broker had to say about the deer on the property. I walked the property and made that decision on my own. I suggest anyone buying land will do the same. That area has potential to grow good bucks. Also, the deer in that area are big bodied.

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very true Split, Its always wise to do your own evaluation... And yes the deer i got on trail cam did have very big bodies from what i noticed. I was all pumped to put my cam up there and when i did it was -2° and my cam was operating funky, it took runaways for one day until the batt died. i was excited to check the cam and when i drove up just to do so i was bumbed to see i had pics from 1 day lol.

The deer sign is there and will speak for itself, i cant list i have 20 apple trees and when you show up there are none so anything i listed is by all means TRUE. i will not make false statements to try and sell something, i dont operate that way...

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ok these i took a pic of my computer screen using my cell just to give an idea of layout and also where you can see the pond in the back and how it creates a natural funnel. you can also see the woodline on the road frontage that creates seclusion from the road..

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if you look in the upper right hand corner of your keyboard you should see a button that says Prnt Scrn the way it works is you go to the page you want to copy or take a pic of then hit the button (make sure ur mouse arrow aint covering anything you want to see in the pic) then open the paint photo editer thingy and click on edit and click on paste... it will paste a pic of your screenshot... then after editing you go to the upper left corner and click on file then click on save as in that menu you can create a file name and select where to save it, also make SURE you change it from a bitmap image to a JPEG image (save as file type) then save it and you can post it on here..... just thought id let you know as it will turn out better than a phone pic of a computor screen.... pm me any questions...

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I know how to work the save screen function, the problem is you have to save as a file. Where the real problem comes in is I can browse for the file to attach but when I click the file I want the computer freezes and won't do anything. I can't attach a file. I think I'm gunna wipe my comp clean and start fresh one of these days...

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I do have permission to hunt within 500' if I wanted to hunt my field. Once in the woods I'm more then 500' away from a dwelling so it would not be an issue. Also, I have permission to hunt my neighbors property but I politely declined the offer...

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Well the wife and I went up to the property today to go shoot the guns and walk around to get some pics of the property and from what I see there was a fresh snow fall from the past day or so. Some cars still had snow on them. I didn't expect snow but it was nice to see howmany deer tracks there were on the property, they were literally everywhere and a ton of tracks! I did see quite a few yote tracks and some rabbit tracks also. Here are some pics from today.

Top of driveway looking at road.


Tracks all over driveway






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