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Big Woods/ Adirondacks


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Stillwater can get very rough and treacherous very quickly. If going in by canoe, it isnt unusual to get stranded in windy weather. Tie everything in very well and keep the life jackets on. There are some big deer up there, but you will earn them. I agree with the old school line of thought that a gps is a helpful tool, but no where near as reliable as a map and compass. Bears are not a big deal generally up there, but keep a clean camp site in case one is hanging around. It is beautiful country up there, true wilderness hunting. You will be able to sign in at the boat launch for particular camp sites (required, actually).

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Thanks for the info-Yea, I'll have map and compass and gps as backup. Generally, I like to set up in stands or ground blinds but up there my plan is to still hunt mostly and cover some ground till I can find some sign. The diversity of ny hunting is what can make it exciting.

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Ditto...topos and google earth. I have no idea how th oak crop is up there this year but keep you eyes out on the ridge tops for them. Wear comfortable shoes....you are gonna need them. Don't get disappointed up there. enjoy the experience. I commend you for taking on such a challenge. tough enough going into the big woods with a rifle...let alone a new area up there with a bow.....food water cover

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I would follow the others advise and carry compass and map and a GPS. First aid/ survival gear.

First go online and scout the area and buy or print a topo and circle some likely areas. Wear comfy boots and cover some ground and possibly find a couple key areas to focus on. And look for beechnuts.

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