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Arkansas adopts US's most restrictive abortion law

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I'll tell you what ants...When you can come to me and tell me that you personally have ever carried a fetus in your body and understand all the physical and mental processes the go with doing so...we'll talk about how it should or should not be expressly the woman's decision. Until that point you are just a talking head very detached from the subject at hand.


Let's take the illegal aspects out to the side for a moment like the incest and rape and underaged and mental issues. So Tom and Betty are engaged and living together and intend on getting married. ring. date. whole nine yards is all set. Betty gets pregnant and decides it is too early in her career to start a family. Tom's interest means zero in your mind?

Let;s say they are already married and Betty just can't imagine having their 3rd child...again. Totally Betty's call?

Just wondering your view.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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Hhhmmm are you volunteering to plant your seed in ants concrete?? Really because that made no sense...lol

I think his point, that you can not label a child who was born into a bad situation. While the circle does continue in many cases. That child deserves a chance as well and there are many rags to riches stories to prove it.

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I would think that they would have several heart to hearts about this...and would hope the Betty had a Mom that told her to discuss such issues way before the marriage began...That said....yes unless the male partners with out any doubt have agreed to do the child raising...and I mean everything the mother would have done. Also they contribute the major share of the income that goes into raising said child...She deserves to have the 401K she would have had with out a child...the vacations the life style she wants.

Think about that scenario in reverse...You have guys that would just up and leave...sorry there is just one way to leave a pregnancy for a woman.

You guys are still living in a Polly Anna world where child rearing falls to the Mother...now stop before you type....For I believe many of you just might be blind to it... I can't type fast or long enough to really get into what it takes to raise a child in time,health or emotional toll...As far as the career..... hey She has a right to a life equal to her husbands....

No matter how you spin it it's her decision...and by the way pregnancies cause all kinds of health issues for woman...and ya some of you guys may not see it now...and can bet your Moms never mentioned it, but as a woman ages...those past pregnancies rear the heads.

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So let me say...In our families we have one young woman that had her tubes tied in her early 20's and two others late twenties and now 50's and a young gentleman that are opting not to have children...They all made this clear to partners...Even with this the derogatory comments made to the womans faces...not the guys.... is absolutely horrendous...So what it comes down to ...your damned either way if a woman...and it is still no one elses business...period

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I'll tell you what ants...When you can come to me and tell me that you personally have ever carried a fetus in your body and understand all the physical and mental processes the go with doing so...we'll talk about how it should or should not be expressly the woman's decision. Until that point you are just a talking head very detached from the subject at hand.

Tell ya want Grow. When you can come to me and tell me what it feels like for a father ,who desperately wanted his child to be born, and wanted for him and him alone to take care of that child, but was denied the birth of his child because the mother just didn't want to be inconvenienced for nine months, then YOU are just a talking head. Keep using words like "FETUS" and"HOST" it makes it easier...doesn't it??

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I never said host and Fetus is the medically correct term... Now this seems like your speaking from an experience and that is too bad...but you fail to see that..... be it you or some other guy ... they bare the consequences of what happened...for if that male had taken sole control of his role in birth control...the situation would not have occurred......It is not a womans obligation to be the incubator for a mans seed...unless she wants to be.

Her burden in that situation ..having not taken control of her end of the birth control properly ...is having to live with the decision to terminate the pregnancy...which you seem to think is a light thing to do...it is not..

The mind is not forgiving for there are always those moments that it pulls up the past and makes one wonder...even if the person knows a decision made at the time was correct...This is why there are some many young woman that have to go through making such tough decisions all alone and then carry that decision in silence...I feel very bad in this day and age for the young daughters of some of you..... should they ever have to or had to make a tough call... that really saddens me...

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Tell ya want Grow. When you can come to me and tell me what it feels like for a father ,who desperately wanted his child to be born, and wanted for him and him alone to take care of that child, but was denied the birth of his child because the mother just didn't want to be inconvenienced for nine months, then YOU are just a talking head. Keep using words like "FETUS" and"HOST" it makes it easier...doesn't it??

Find a woman that loves YOU enough to bare your child? Your situation should not dictate laws to empower men to make decisions for women. That's just not right, and quite selfish.

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All illegal things aside no man should tell a woman what she can n can not do with her body

If betty choose to abort the fetus, she will live with the consequences. If it leads to a break up im sure it would have been talked about. You guys make it like its so easy to either have a child or get an abortion. Morhers die during birth, and in some cases woman whochoose to have an abortion are no longer able to have children after the procedure. People make it like its this easy thing women choose to do then go out and are ready for round two.

I will stand by the womans choice she is at risk she carries the baby and she has to deliver it.

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Now let's not sensationalize either process. There are risks with anything, In the US child birth is very safe and the process of an abortion is an out patient procedure. You are starting to sound like the anti firearms people with the exaggerations. Heck in third world countries children are born in the fields. It has happened for tens of thousands of years.

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Now let's not sensationalize either process. There are risks with anything, In the US child birth is very safe and the process of an abortion is an out patient procedure. You are starting to sound like the anti firearms people with the exaggerations. Heck in third world countries children are born in the fields. It has happened for tens of thousands of years.

And women have died during child labor, for thousands of years. Abortion have been around for almost just as long, so why outlaw it now?

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Becasue we all know that when someone tells you something or assures you that is the case they never would change their mind, now would they.

Perhaps one should think more about investing more time into their relationship and knowing one another rather than on these forums debating issues such as these if they can't trust their partners commitment to one another.

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness

Please note that it says among...not only .....Now before it starts, the term men...was a term of the times...... By the way don't make me pull out the definition of liberty

I guess life is kinda over looked in your statement.

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Perhaps one should think more about investing more time into their relationship and knowing one another rather than on these forums debating issues such as these if they can't trust their partners commitment to one another.

Perhaps they should. Perhaps could apply to many aspects of relationships since the divorce rate is so high and moving on with a "family" has become so common without the commitment of marriage. I thoroughly understand the rights a woman deserves and wants for her body. I just find it difficult to totally ignore the males' role and I think to say he has no rights in the matter is wrong. Since we are talking about consensual relationships here, (and I know this will sound crass and uncaring)If the woman wants to maintain 100% control and say about her body, keep your legs together. The same as I feel about men, if you don’t want to be held accountable, keep it in your pants. Once you decide to take that step and choose to involve another person with your body, I am not sure you can call foul and then say they can’t be involved.

Perhaps one needs a contract before they climb in the sack nowadays.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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I never said host and Fetus is the medically correct term... Now this seems like your speaking from an experience and that is too bad...but you fail to see that..... be it you or some other guy ... they bare the consequences of what happened...for if that male had taken sole control of his role in birth control...the situation would not have occurred......It is not a womans obligation to be the incubator for a mans seed...unless she wants to be.

Her burden in that situation ..having not taken control of her end of the birth control properly ...is having to live with the decision to terminate the pregnancy...which you seem to think is a light thing to do...it is not..

The mind is not forgiving for there are always those moments that it pulls up the past and makes one wonder...even if the person knows a decision made at the time was correct...This is why there are some many young woman that have to go through making such tough decisions all alone and then carry that decision in silence...I feel very bad in this day and age for the young daughters of some of you..... should they ever have to or had to make a tough call... that really saddens me...

So again, the woman has ZERO responsibility. Its all "those damn men and their demond seed". If the woman isn't on birth control and finds out, a month or two down the road that she is pregnant, no big deal. Secondary birth control....Just abort. its simple.

Its not life .....Right?? Just a boil on a womans ass. Same thing.

Me and you just have different opinions on the value of human life and when it begins.

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Perhaps they should. Perhaps could apply to many aspects of relationships since the divorce rate is so high and moving on with a "family" has become so common without the commitment of marriage. I thoroughly understand the rights a woman deserves and wants for her body. I just find it difficult to totally ignore the males' role and I think to say he has no rights in the matter is wrong. Since we are talking about consensual relationships here, (and I know this will sound crass and uncaring)If the woman wants to maintain 100% control and say about her body, keep your legs together. The same as I feel about men, if you don’t want to be held accountable, keep it in your pants. Once you decide to take that step and choose to involve another person with your body, I am not sure you can call foul and then say they can’t be involved.

Perhaps one needs a contract before they climb in the sack nowadays.

In today's world, instant satisfaction is what people think about and in some cases, that's all they know. Long gone are the days that people took time to get to really know one another. It really is no one else's fault but your own for not spending the time to getting to know each others stance on life, future, and family values. Instead of blaming politicians and your significant other, look to yourself first.

I agree with Culver in that both parents should be involved in the child's well being, but just as males have the option to leave the woman, the woman should also have the right to abort if she feels she can't handle raising the child alone. You can't force a father to be there for the mother or child, so a way out for the mother is needed.

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So again, the woman has ZERO responsibility. Its all "those damn men and their demond seed". If the woman isn't on birth control and finds out, a month or two down the road that she is pregnant, no big deal. Secondary birth control....Just abort. its simple.

Its not life .....Right?? Just a boil on a womans ass. Same thing.

Me and you just have different opinions on the value of human life and when it begins.

Ants, I don't get the beef you have with grow. If you have a problem with people that feel the way grow does, avoid them. Slapping a law that regulates everyone and how they make their choices is similar to how the anti gun folks wanting to ban guns.

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In today's world, instant satisfaction is what people think about and in some cases, that's all they know. Long gone are the days that people took time to get to really know one another. It really is no one else's fault but your own for not spending the time to getting to know each others stance on life, future, and family values. Instead of blaming politicians and your significant other, look to yourself first.

I agree with Culver in that both parents should be involved in the child's well being, but just as males have the option to leave the woman, the woman should also have the right to abort if she feels she can't handle raising the child alone. You can't force a father to be there for the mother or child, so a way out for the mother is needed.

What if the father is willing to raise the baby ( ooops....fetus) by himself, and bare all the expense? And no Grow, tis isn't from experience..

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What if the father is willing to raise the baby ( ooops....fetus) by himself, and bare all the expense? And no Grow, tis isn't from experience..

Then the father would probably want to look into being operated on to become a sera gate father. And even then, he would need the mothers consent to use her DNA. Bottom line is, god didn't make you a woman to have babies.

Edited by shawnhu
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Then the father would probably want to look into being operated on to become a sera gate father. And even then, he would need the mothers consent to use her DNA. Bottom line is, god didn't make you a woman to have babies.

WTF??? Take another bong hit dude!!!

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WTF??? Take another bong hit dude!!!

Ants, you're taking this very personal, and I can't blame you for what you had to go through. But that doesn't make it right for you to want to slap a law that restricts women of their right to choose. Fact remains that they have the gift of child baring, and you don't.

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there are so many variables in these situations that you can't just have a blanket law covering all of them, and that's the original question that was asked, do you think it's up to a gov't entity to dictate what's legal and what isn't? the majority of the time, once you have a child with another person, you have ties and legal responsibilities to that person for the rest of your life or at least until the child is of adulthood......my take on it, is if you remove the child before it's born you remove the emotional aspect of dealing with a living person and it's easier to move on. That being said, I have no problem with abortion for whatever reason the people affected by it choose.

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Ants.... I would converse with you further on this subject but.... you either fail to read clearly and or every thing I write and want to get belligerent about the subject...Now I don't not believe..... and most of you know my writing by now...I have once gotten belligerent or even overly emotional in this thread...in fact much of what I wrote was in question form to try and get ppl to step back and think Your mind is set, that's your option

Culver...If a man doesn't want to risk a woman terminating a pregnancy that involves his sperm...then he should learn to keep his -ick firm tucked in his pants...That tired old saying of your goes both ways my dear...Like I said I really really feel sad ...thinking of some ppls daughters that are out there.....

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