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As long as they make the Rage broad head I will use then. Fly just like a filed point and the deer I've shot with them have all fallen within sight of my stand. Very little tracking.

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Well maybe I shouldn't fight it then and try the chisel next year. My father bought me a pack of G5 T3's last year just to try and after shooting a few arrows with them on I was not impressed at all. My arrows flew very clumsily and lost noticeable speed, not to mention they dropped about 5 inches from where I was aiming. I'll stick with RAGE's regardless of the changes they make, whether I like them or not.

Just an FYI you don't want to get caught with T3s in your quiver come hunting season. They are considered barbed which is illegal to hunt big game on in NY.

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Just an FYI you don't want to get caught with T3s in your quiver come hunting season. They are considered barbed which is illegal to hunt big game on in NY.


good thing to point out in this thread, although my dad was questioned by a DEC officer at his truck once with 3 in his quiver and the guy didn't care.

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i believe the 3 blade increases likelihood of a vital being hit. I don't believe a 2 blade or fixed would really "wiggle out" any easier than a 3 blade barbed. and i believe once it's in, whether it comes out or not you're in trouble anyhow. this isn't to say that their reasoning doesn't have some merit, i'm just not convinced it's enough to ban them. obviously many other states agree with me.

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I believe that the law banning barbed broadheads is primarily designed for non-lethal hits. Nobody wants a deer wandering around with a festering wound caused by an arrow that has no way of coming out. I think I can see the value in not allowing that kind of equipment. Could an arrow that is barbed eventually work it's way out? .... I don't know. I'm sure that someone, somewhere could come up with some weird example of that happening. But let's face it, it is not as likely to back out of the wound.

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obviously cost does not always equal quality. i think this derailed discussion has run its course. back on topic? I love my rage.



agreed, but i tend to think the law is a little dumb myself.


I think this discussion has run its course. Back on topic?  I hate the rage.


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Thanks for that contribution!  I already said why I dont like rage, I have no reason to say it again.  I guess if you dont love rage, one liners are not acceptable by you but its okay for your one liners because you love rage.  Okay got it!

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