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Long Island Deer Donations?

Geno C

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it is illegal to sell wild game

when you bring a deer to donate you are thinking it is going to the needy  not to some one who can afford to buy the meat if he wants the meat fine pay for the butchering

when some one donates there doing some thing to help others he was doing some thing to help him self

there is another shop that gives all donated meat to the needy I would rather drive a little out of my way to make shore it go to the needy not some one who can afford the meat so another gut that can afford to help the need y make more money for his pocket and not clam it to the IRS

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I always wondered how these needy people felt about getting venison?  I know beggars can't be choosers but I can imagine that some of them would be sqeamish or disgusted about being given or eating deer meat if they never ate it before just like much of the rest of society can be.  Just because they might be needy doesn't mean they don't have the same Bambi syndrome like many others seem to have.

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I always wondered how these needy people felt about getting venison?  I know beggars can't be choosers but I can imagine that some of them would be sqeamish or disgusted about being given or eating deer meat if they never ate it before just like much of the rest of society can be.  Just because they might be needy doesn't mean they don't have the same Bambi syndrome like many others seem to have.

That old saying ain't true, let me tell you...One of my kitchens prepares meals for a shelter and on more than one occasion I have had to give them a different menu item because the homeless don't like some thing. So beggars can be choser's!

I wonder if I could lie so I could be a receipient of some of this venison...nah that ain't right

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That's exactly why I asked the question, Doe!  I have no doubt that what you say is true.  Lots of poor people out there who are just as big complainers as anyone else.  We also shouldn't forget that our country is the only one under the sun that has people living under the poverty level and yet they are obese  So they surely ARE eating something (probably lots of the wrong things) eventhough they claim to be in need.

Doe, after we finish our game call recording I have some raggedy clothes we could put on and maybe we can take a trip to one of these donation centers?  Man, we better stop because we are frightening ourselves here!!!

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"Doe, after we finish our game call recording I have some raggedy clothes we could put on and maybe we can take a trip to one of these donation centers?  Man, we better stop because we are frightening ourselves here!!! "

I'll grab a wheel barrel so we don't hurt ourselves carrying all of that delicious free meat, we will just need to hide my Suburban around the corner as I am pretty sure that will be a dead give away that we are not in need. lol!

And speaking of people complaining.. I work in a drug/alcohol rehab..most people are decent but, once in a while we will get one that is to good to eat a hebrew national hot dog..mean while the week before they were doing god knows what eating out of dumpsters. Oh well can't please them all.

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Yeah, that Suburban might give us away.

Actually, I just found a donation center near me and decided to give it a try.  I figured an old rusty bike wouldn't get them overly suspicious.  A bit tough on the back, but hey, it ain't much worse than dragging one up hill!  Had my wife snap a picture of me from our car. 


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the one in Oakdale was find last year for selling venison to undercover DEC officers

thats crazy... people are always trying to make a buck. even when the deer was donated, thats silly.

That struck me as funny when I read the "people are always trying to make a buck" part !  ???

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  • 4 weeks later...

I still use the 'Oakdale' guy for donations.. I used him ONCE for butchering years ago.. Huge bodied buck from upstate, around 200lbs..

I pick up 2 bags, 48lbs of meat.. I asked if a bag was missing, and they look at me like I had 2 heads.. I figured they took some for the sausage grind, which I didn't pay extra to get..  After the DEC arrest, I'd put money thats where my meat really went..

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