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The possibilities of the hearing on Friday are they decide to place an injunction halting the safe act until the final decision is made at the end of the case or the decide not to place an injunction letting this law stand until the final decision is made at the end of the case. This case is not claiming that the safe act violates out second amendment rights it claims that the safe act violates our Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment protections against government seizure of private property without “due process and just compensation.”

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go to this site and read posts and threads daily to learn how NY's Andrew Cuomo will relieve you of all your firearms over time while you sleep. There are organized groups in our state that will stop nothing short of having you hunt with a peashooter. So instead of checking in at your convenience get involved and educated on this important issue before someone knocks on your door asking for your firearms.



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go to this site and read posts and threads daily to learn how NY's Andrew Cuomo will relieve you of all your firearms over time while you sleep. There are organized groups in our state that will stop nothing short of having you hunt with a peashooter. So instead of checking in at your convenience get involved and educated on this important issue before someone knocks on your door asking for your firearms.


im not checking in at my convenience, know what you speak of before you make a comment like that. i am very much involved and know whats going on. exactly what Noah wrote is what i was thinking and telling my local gun shop yesterday actually when i was buying ammo. just wanted to double check i was spot on at what i was saying yesterday as he was not aware that the case was pushed until later in this week.



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I sent an email to Cuomo last night.  I expressed my thoughts on how law abiding gun owners are paying the penalty for the actions of criminals.  I also explained how his 10rd magazine limit was creating major problems he should be aware of.  It went as such:  I am currently a licensed, responsible gun owner.  I belong to a local gun club where I enjoy target shooting.  I am being forced to seek out 10rd mags for my guns to be compliant with the safe act.  Most pistols are issued in the US with 17rd or 12rd mags.  There is a huge shortage of 10rd mags and opportunists are selling these at double the MSRP.  Why not allow us to have the mags that are typically issued with the pistols as your law still limits us to 10 rds maximum at ranges?


My last question puts Cuomo in situation of having to admit that laws don't matter to criminals or agree that the limit of rounds loaded should nullify the 10rd Magazine law.  I also realize this email will most likely never reach him nor improve our situation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

im not checking in at my convenience, know what you speak of before you make a comment like that. i am very much involved and know whats going on. exactly what Noah wrote is what i was thinking and telling my local gun shop yesterday actually when i was buying ammo. just wanted to double check i was spot on at what i was saying yesterday as he was not aware that the case was pushed until later in this week.

I will try and know what I speak of in the future before I make comments which refer to the highly exalted Geno, but in this case I wasn't talking about you...Im sure your very involved...

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The last thing I heard on the Tresmond Lawsuit was a interview, Saying don't expect much to happen before a trial, in August I believe was the date. There can not be a injunction out in place because it a government or something along that lines being sued, so they can not issue a injunction until the trial, if the judges wants too.   

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