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Trolololololol. Proud of you gents. I'll tell you this, I'm a ex-member / still a member but was on hiatus. (You won't be able to tell who because I used another connection.)


Thought I'd make sure you all were still on the ball and try to pull a little prank hoping to get some of you however I was quite surprised that no one seemed to fall for it and gawk at what they thought was a girl. TRANNY pic was Epic Tranny pic. Was hoping to get a few of you as a laugh pretending to be some anti-girl.


Very proud. *tear* I will return soon…




Edited by bbygirl92
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Way to step into the hornets nest and post a pic of your a$$. We really can't take you seriouslywith a post like that.

Let us know how everything goes the next time you or a family member hits a deer @ 65MPH in a car or motorcycle. You and your pocketbook won't think they're so cute then.

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I think you're post is locked in darlin!

 Some hunters also donate meat to families in poverty too.

Do some research on motor vehicle accidents with deer and deer population #s. You'll see that population control is needed.

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hi all im asking is that u please listen. i was drivin through the park with my boyfriend and a deermom and its 2 babys were rite on the side of the road so i asked if we could stop and i could take a pic. i never rlly thought about hunting until i saw them. so i got out to take a picture and i got so close to them and saw they were so innocent and harmless and cute. it hit me that some1 could take away the mom from these 2 babies just to hunt them. i took a pic on my cell phone and its just the cutest thing ever...


all im askin is u look at this photo i took and tell me if u rlly think you could take those 2 babies from there mother??

im on my blackberry rite now so not sure if il beable to download pics on here from my phone but i will give it a try... my phone always takes huge photos to so it mite take a while to download so plz be patient.



Hey, I think I know you........................



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I could really care less about your pic, but your plea is not going to be taken seriously just because you think the babies are cute.

We welcome input, but asking us to stop is Rediculousness! LOL 

We don't carouse Facebook and ask you to stop showing premiscuous pics for fear that our children will see your butt or cleavage.

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excuse me but i dont hav photos like that on fb

MMMMKaaaay! ;)


Really It was sort of an example, why would you come to a Hunting forum and ask for us to stop hunting? We abide by laws and regulations and the $$ spent on hunting is used for wildlife conservation. It's sweet that you're starting to enjoy nature, but look more into it because we are actually balancing out the animal populations. Too many deer leads to not enough food to sustain them all and there will be deaths from starvation, disease,Etc.


Edited by PREDATE
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hi all im asking is that u please listen. i was drivin through the park with my boyfriend and a deermom and its 2 babys were rite on the side of the road so i asked if we could stop and i could take a pic. i never rlly thought about hunting until i saw them. so i got out to take a picture and i got so close to them and saw they were so innocent and harmless and cute. it hit me that some1 could take away the mom from these 2 babies just to hunt them. i took a pic on my cell phone and its just the cutest thing ever...

all im askin is u look at this photo i took and tell me if u rlly think you could take those 2 babies from there mother??

im on my blackberry rite now so not sure if il beable to download pics on here from my phone but i will give it a try... my phone always takes huge photos to so it mite take a while to download so plz be patient.

That's one funny looking doe. Must be that rare two legged version.


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Looks like I got turned down boys :( can't blame a guy for try'n. In all seriousness, you cant expect to come to a HUNTING site where 90% of what we talk about is hunting and convince use to stop hunting. Its like going to the mall and asking people to stop buying things that are made in china under dangerous working conditions...just wont happen.

Edited by ATbuckhunter
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Really what are we hurting though? Not trying to be rude.

It's the circle of life. I rather hunt for my own food. Is that wrong? I'd really rather not grow an extra eye or a sixth testicle from eating meat from God knows where that is pumped full of chems and/or steroids.

I hunt predators too, you know the ones that prey on those cute little fuzzy animals. So I count my efforts as doing a service.

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hi all im asking is that u please listen. i was drivin through the park with my boyfriend and a deermom and its 2 babys were rite on the side of the road so i asked if we could stop and i could take a pic. i never rlly thought about hunting until i saw them. so i got out to take a picture and i got so close to them and saw they were so innocent and harmless and cute. it hit me that some1 could take away the mom from these 2 babies just to hunt them. i took a pic on my cell phone and its just the cutest thing ever...

all im askin is u look at this photo i took and tell me if u rlly think you could take those 2 babies from there mother??

im on my blackberry rite now so not sure if il beable to download pics on here from my phone but i will give it a try... my phone always takes huge photos to so it mite take a while to download so plz be patient.

That's one funny looking doe. Must be that rare two legged version.


Yep, a split-tail! LOL

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Trolololololol. Proud of you gents. I'll tell you this, I'm a ex-member / still a member but was on hiatus. (You won't be able to tell who because I used another connection.)


Thought I'd make sure you all were still on the ball and try to pull a little prank hoping to get some of you however I was quite surprised that no one seemed to fall for it and gawk at what they thought was a girl. TRANNY pic was Epic Tranny pic. Was hoping to get a few of you as a laugh pretending to be some anti-girl.


Very proud. *tear* I will return soon…




I suggest you all read OP post. Good day.

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