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So what about Zimmerman?

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Physical evidence

ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!! that was the only problem I had with the trial. I think it was more on Zimmermans statements and those of the police who investigated..........I think his articulation of the fear of his life is what got him the acquittal.

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JJB...it was justifiable use of lethal force just because Scott was rushed by the kid.

I don't have enough info on the case to say yes or no, but if you point a gun at someone and they still come at you, it's very easy to say that he feared the kid could get his gun. It's all about articulation as to why you felt the need to use deadly force.

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and another thing to factor in, is where you live.........not every area in NY allows you to carry a handgun outside your home, if that was down where I live it may have had a different outcome, almost impossible to get a permit for full carry, so just the simple fact of taking it out of your home for reasons other than what you're licensed for would put you in a bad spot....not to mention some areas have a different mindset on citizens carrying guns......sad, but true.

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There was a case in Oneida county a few years ago that never sat well with me. The defendant was represented by an attorney with the same last name as me, but I am not related to him, FYI. I could be misinformed, but from the news info, I understood it as a man in his sixties with a baseball bat was confronted by a bigger man in his forties after he himself retrieved a baseball bat. The result was that the older man was killed and the other charged but acquitted.


The details I remember from the news is that the older guy actually gifted the younger guy, even though not related, some land to build on, near his own home. Because of fast driving, the older man installed some sort of speed bumps or makeshift speed bumps on this private road which enraged the younger guy or  prompted him to remove them - depending on which story teller you believe. Reportedly the older man confronted the younger with a bat when he observed the younger messing with the speed bumps. According to the (at the time defendant) the older man gestured toward banging up his vehicle. I remember something like the younger guy retrieved a bat and then got between the auto and told the older guy "Don't".  I would remember the news details if they were clearer, but they were not and left me  unsure  if I believed this guy actually acted in self defense. Off course, I wasn't at the trial and only listened to news reports...


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There was a case in Oneida county a few years ago that never sat well with me. The defendant was represented by an attorney with the same last name as me, but I am not related to him, FYI. I could be misinformed, but from the news info, I understood it as a man in his sixties with a baseball bat was confronted by a bigger man in his forties after he himself retrieved a baseball bat. The result was that the older man was killed and the other charged but acquitted.


The details I remember from the news is that the older guy actually gifted the younger guy, even though not related, some land to build on, near his own home. Because of fast driving, the older man installed some sort of speed bumps or makeshift speed bumps on this private road which enraged the younger guy or  prompted him to remove them - depending on which story teller you believe. Reportedly the older man confronted the younger with a bat when he observed the younger messing with the speed bumps. According to the (at the time defendant) the older man gestured toward banging up his vehicle. I remember something like the younger guy retrieved a bat and then got between the auto and told the older guy "Don't".  I would remember the news details if they were clearer, but they were not and left me  unsure  if I believed this guy actually acted in self defense. Off course, I wasn't at the trial and only listened to news reports...

so the older man was the first to produce a bat and threaten the younger man, correct?..........if so, the younger man could easily articulate that he was meeting the force threatened against him with the same force...once again only the survivor can tell the story.

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Grow I certainly didnt lump you in with the other idiot and his very tasteless comments.  I just wrote 2 different feelings about 2 different post in 1 reply.    The tishirt comment comes about due to the other post about printing tshirts to sell. I thought your statement was funny as heck and it was the only possible candidate to go on a tshirt that I would even think about buying. LMAO

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ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!! that was the only problem I had with the trial. I think it was more on Zimmermans statements and those of the police who investigated..........I think his articulation of the fear of his life is what got him the acquittal.


Don't forget the testimony of the eyewitness who said he saw  Martin on top of Zimmerman.

If you believe that  Zimmerman, the police and the eyewitness, were all lying and that the physical evidence was all somehow B.S.....so be it. But the jury didn't.

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Don't forget the testimony of the eyewitness who said he saw  Martin on top of Zimmerman.

If you believe that  Zimmerman, the police and the eyewitness, were all lying and that the physical evidence was all somehow B.S.....so be it. But the jury didn't.

if I'm not mistaken, physical evidence would be blood, DNA, and the like..........totally different then eyewitness accounts...............I totally believe the police and some of the eye witnesses.

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Physical Evidence

  • Physical evidence is one of the most common types of evidence found at a crime scene. Physical evidence consists of the actual physical objects found at the scene. This can mean large items such as damaged cars, broken glass or smashed doors. It also includes items that are minuscule in size, such as hair or clothing fibers. An investigator may also collect weapons such as knives or guns, or fired bullets and spent casings. Depending on the scene, physical impressions may also be found, including tire tracks or footprints. A suspected burglary may lead the investigator to look for tool marks on the doors or windows. Finally, physical evidence also includes fingerprints and lipstick impressions left on glasses or cigarettes. If it can be touched, picked up or moved it constitutes physical evidence.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_5267922_types-evidence-crime-scene.html#ixzz2Z8r8RiHX

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It also includes physical injury caused to a person and things like blood and blood stains found at a scene or on a person. as well as things like  grass stains on a persons clothes.

yes, but Zimmermans clothes looked like they were just taken out of a closet....that's why I say the physical evidence was not pivotal in his acquital....it was more based on the testimony of the police and character witnesses and Zimmermans own statements

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Nope... his shirt had grass and grass stains on the back of it and photos  his face showed a swollen bloody nose and cuts and blood to the back of his head.

Don't forget that photos of his injuries were not released for 40 some odd days.  

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Understood and sorry for the mix up....I hope you received the PM I sent as well...Thanks...


ps.......... never saw the "likes" until after I read the post...but thanks...because my misunderstanding gave me a reason to post how I felt about the situation as a whole...


I feel bad that one group of ppl can manipulate a incident in  such an insidious  way just to spread what ever hate they have in their own souls...It's also a sad statement in how us Americans view each other. 


You know in general ppl say it's a cultural thing....I don't by it...I grew up with the "original Archy Bunker" Yet all my best friends in school were African Americans....By the way they hated that....they said they are blks and Americans...Like I'm a white American ...My first room mate was my best girl friend...and we had no problems..but the parents did...but that was their problem not ours...One doesn't have to grow up buying into the views of their parents or "elders"....they can have enough back bone to judge ppl as individuals for good or bad...

Hhhhmmm just occurred to me racism is probably the sins of the father visited upon son  mentioned in the bible...yet that got reversed to each paying for their own sins and theirs alone....humans being as judgmental as we are.... should try to adhere to that philosophy




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It could get released later but, I didn't hear of one report or picture of any injury besides the gun shot on Martin. Has anyone heard anything of knuckle injury or any signe he way hit at all?


Bruises and abrasion on Trayvon Martin's knuckles which are consistent with punching someone part of the evidence.  That I know for a fact.  Not sure if any other injuries were submitted.

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"According to 911 recordings, Zimmerman was heard saying "If he dies, he dies.", just before pulling the trigger".


-Ivan Drago (Sunnyhoody Times - Sanford, Florida)


He also said "He's not human.  He's like a piece of iron."

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