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Water Rat

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there's laws against campaigning or attempting to influence voters within a certain distance of a polling place on election day........were the authorities not notified of this?

It was all over the media, and yes the authorities knew. The just left them alone and Eric Holder did his vanishing act he is so well known for. Keep it quiet and it will go away.

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Eric Holder refused to prosecute them, and their smelly little beret's, for voter intimidation. Now these filthy little, ignorant  racists have even bigger balls.


Well if they were carrying billy clubs in NYS all that would have had to happen was to be arrested on weapon charges...they are illegal period...It would have all gone through the local legal system and Holder wouldn't have had a say in any of it...

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Well if they were carrying billy clubs in NYS all that would have had to happen was to be arrested on weapon charges...they are illegal period...It would have all gone through the local legal system and Holder wouldn't have had a say in any of it...


Yeah..But thats the same thing as charging a person with only weapons possession after that person used a gun to rob a bank. Its not the proper charge.

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Yeah..But thats the same thing as charging a person with only weapons possession after that person used a gun to rob a bank. Its not the proper charge


 And do you think that doesn't happen ALL the time....some times a little win is better than no win at all...

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 And do you think that doesn't happen ALL the time....some times a little win is better than no win at all...

just did a quick search....apparently that would be a violation of NYS election laws...........I would think they could be charged with a violation of that law and the weapons possession law.

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Your rt it is...I was an election official in our town and we routinely had to check out side to make sure every thing stayed "Kosher" no one could campaign wear buttons T -shirts or talk to voters about anything political with in 100+ ft can't remember exact distance...If you notice there is suppose to be a sign out side the polling area saying so...we had 3 that we would put up...

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Civilians cant legally issue a bounty on another civilian, thats technically murder for hire. Though i bought obama or holder, criminals that they are actual care about letter of the law, unless their trying to ram some unconsitutional crap down our throats. god i hope this country wakes up

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funny thing is, if the verdict went the other way, their would be very little protesting and racial outcry, people would have accepted that outcome and said that the justice system came to the reasonable conclusion given the evidence .........


Funny how when O.J. Simpson was acquitted , it was like a National Holiday.


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Funny how when O.J. Simpson was acquitted , it was like a National Holiday.


that just made me laugh thinking about that outrageous slow speed pursuit...........weren't there even supporters on the roadside holding up signs for him? biggest travesty of justice in history.

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NOT defending the BP at all but if you look at this thing from the other side the only thing they see again is a black boy murdered and killer gets away scott free, gun and all.  It doesn't matter if some jury "interprets the law" and says Zim did nothing unlawful.  Yes I know most people don't know all the facts or Florida laws but whether justice was done or not alot of americans feel wronged, again...

Not talking about the extreme left groups but everyday people.  Sorry to ruffle feathers

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NOT defending the BP at all but if you look at this thing from the other side the only thing they see again is a black boy murdered and killer gets away scott free, gun and all.  It doesn't matter if some jury "interprets the law" and says Zim did nothing unlawful.  Yes I know most people don't know all the facts or Florida laws but whether justice was done or not alot of americans feel wronged, again...

Not talking about the extreme left groups but everyday people.  Sorry to ruffle feathers

all we ask is that people not act like animals...........

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Not talking about the extreme left groups but everyday people.  Sorry to ruffle feathers


No ruffled feathers here but let me ask you this question...Where is the righteous indignation they have shown in this case... both ppl being of two different colored  skin ..yet still everyone an American...verse the reaction to the same type of near daily occurrence across the US... of same skin toned Americans killing each other?


Why are we all seeing certain American leaders coming out to incite turmoil when ppl of their particular constituency are gunning each other and or ppl of another lighter skin tone?


When you can give me a sensible answer to that then I look harder at the "other" side of things



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No ruffled feathers here but let me ask you this question...Where is the righteous indignation they have shown in this case... both ppl being of two different colored  skin ..yet still everyone an American...verse the reaction to the same type of near daily occurrence across the US... of same skin toned Americans killing each other?


Why are we all seeing certain American leaders coming out to incite turmoil when ppl of their particular constituency are gunning each other and or ppl of another lighter skin tone?


When you can give me a sensible answer to that then I look harder at the "other" side of things



and when you have a president who feels the need to speak out about one killing, when he could care less about the 1000's other that occur every year, really doesn't help the situation.

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