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Galaxy S4 v. Iphone 5s


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I have had an upgrade with ATT available for the last few years. I've owned a iPhone 4 since it first came out which has served me well. I also use an iPad  2 and an iMac desktop. All work seamlessly together. But I've been thinking of pulling the trigger and switching to the Galaxy S4. 


I know: "if it ain't broke don't fix it". So why would I want to switch?


- Faster Processor

- Removable battery

- More storage (microSD card) 

- Micro USB charger v. getting new iPhone 5 charger (i have many micro usb chargers laying around from my Blackberry days)

- 13mp camera v. 8mp camera (I use my phone for pictures more than I use my Canon)

- Larger screen (My eyes are getting worse as I get older)

- Cooler features on S4 (wave hand to answer etc)

- Easily syncs with iMac, iPad using Syncmate based upon the reviews I read

- I want a new phone 


Has anyone been a dedicated iPhone user and made the switch? What were your thoughts on learning a new operating system?

Did anyone switch back to iPhone after using the S4? Why?


I would appreciate any input . . . .

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Working in IT, we get a lot of phones that passes through our hands.  Due to popularity, we mainly get Blackberrys (trash!  Including the new Z10 and Q10) and iPhones.  Several Driods (not a fan) and the new Windows phone (actually pretty sweet).  Only 2 users I know went with the S4.  This is mainly based on the deals that my company gets so its only the users that that are high enough to charge whatever they want and not have anyone review it.  Both of them like their phones but they both went from Blackberry to Galaxy so that's not saying much.  The brief time I did play with it, it seems like a great phone.  Some love the huge screen, some hate that its big in their pocket.  The classic "I want a tiny laptop with a huge screen" argument.  It's not going to happen.  If you want a 15" screen, your laptop will never be smaller than 15".  So you need to ask yourself what's a priority to you.  One person did say when it's in their pocket and they sit down, it presses up against their torso since it's so big but they've learn to live with it.  The Galaxy feels a little cheaply made (flimsy plastic).  The touch screen is a little too sensitive.  What I mean by that is if you look on your keyboard.  If want to text "in".  When you press the "I" and then go to press the "n", your finger will pass over the "j" and even though you actually don't make contact with the screen, it enters the "j".  For slow typers, they never notice this problem.  For speed typers who live off their phones, they sort of find it a little annoying but not enough to be a deal breaker.


Sorry I can evaluate the S4 in more detail but I've given you what little I do have.

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I went thru a similar decision process as you a short time ago.  Ido not have a S4, but have "played" around with a couple that friends have.


In my opinion the iPhone is a bit more intuitive and easier to use.  That is probably influenced by the fact that I to have an iPad, so everything is a bit more "familiar"


I think if you have other Apple products, you need to keep that in mind.  Everything synchs so easily across the products.  I really like the fact that when I am using my iPad and I get a text message on my phone , it also comes in on my iPAd.


The battery does not seem to be an issue for me...  I charge it everynight and never seem to have a problem with battery life.



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I have a buddy who owns five at&t stores. My wife & I both have the galaxy s2 and love it. When my son was due for his upgrade last month he wanted the iPhone 5s. My wife and I talked to my buddy and told him that he wanted the iPhone 5s and what he thought. He recommended the galaxy s4 over the iPhone 5s. He also told us the htc1(I think that was what it was as another option) after looking and comparing for a few days we ended up getting him the HTC. He loves it. Really nice phone. I am due for my upgrade in Sept and will be getting the s4

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Thanks for all your input. I'm still on the fence. I read both great reviews and horrible reviews about both phones. I've read some users complain about lag in opening an app in the S4 and nothing really different on the iPhone 5 other than a curvier design and thinner.

My daughter suggests I get the iPhone 5. Says the S4 is like having another tablet.

What to do .... What to do..... I know list the Pros and Cons

S4 pros

- bigger screen.

- faster processor

- larger storage capacity

- usb charger. (Have many)

- cool features

S4 Cons

- new OS

- sync issues?

- need new Otterbox case

iPhone 5 pros

- same OS with some differences

- syncs well with other apple gadgets

- thinner

iPhone 5 cons

- same old apple

- need new case and chargers

- same old apple

Can you all guess which way im leaning?

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Thanks for all your input. I'm still on the fence. I read both great reviews and horrible reviews about both phones. I've read some users complain about lag in opening an app in the S4 and nothing really different on the iPhone 5 other than a curvier design and thinner.

My daughter suggests I get the iPhone 5. Says the S4 is like having another tablet.

What to do .... What to do..... I know list the Pros and Cons

S4 pros

- bigger screen.

- faster processor

- larger storage capacity

- usb charger. (Have many)

- cool features

S4 Cons

- new OS

- sync issues?

- need new Otterbox case

iPhone 5 pros

- same OS with some differences

- syncs well with other apple gadgets

- thinner

iPhone 5 cons

- same old apple

- need new case and chargers

- same old apple

Can you all guess which way im leaning?


A pager and a pocket full of quarters?

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So I pulled the trigger and upgraded to the S4 and after playing with it for the last hour or so, I'm very pleased! Actually not that difficult to learn the new OS but there is so much more that you can do with this open platform than the IOS system on the iPhone.  I don't know why I waited so long to switch!  Just need to pick up a microSD card and I'm good to go. 

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I've had a note 2 for a few months now. I like it. I'm still retarded and behind the times with what this thing can do.

Let me know if yours writes quotation " marks" correctly. (See how the first one is backwards? You'll love the way droid hooks into google.

The quotes are backwards because you have a space between the first one and the word marks.

The iPad does " the same thing"

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So I've had the S4 for about 7 days now and I am very pleased with it. There is somewhat of a learning curve going from Apple OS to Android but it was easy to learn. It is amazingly fast compared to the iPhone4. I loaded all my apps, photos and music on a 16g micro SD card I bought (actually takes up to a 64g card) and I still have about 12.5g left with more than 9g left on the phone memory to run the OS. I can access all my files on the micro SD card using the My files app which acts just like windows explorer. Easy to find anything I'm looking for. I set up widgets and apps I use on a daily basis on the main screen pages which can be moved with a swipe. The camera is awesome. I can access it as well as any other app I saved as a shortcut from the lock screen with a swipe. I can toggle sound, wifi, bluetooth, air gesture, and any other important setting by swiping down with two fingers from the top of any of the main screens.

The only downside is that I was able to connect my iPhone to my Infiniti G37x stereo and it was able to read my phone, the songs and titles and play music. The S4 connects to my car but it only recognizes it as a usb drive but is not able to play songs. I read up on this and it is a common problem with the stereo set up on most Infinities that don't have navigation with Bluetooth audio streaming. So either I trade in my S4 for iPhone 5, (nah tired of Apple), trade in my G37 for another car that is compatible (nah too expensive) or do the next best thing - I saved all my songs on a usb flash drive and plugged that into the usb port in my car and it works like a charm.

Overall I am glad I pulled the trigger on this one!

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"Well here you go".

That was with the S4. They look like they are straight down.

Just looked at the same sentence on the S4 and woudnt you know it the first " looks like it is curved backward. Hmmmm...

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Can't you use an auxiliary cable to play music?

My car does not have the plugins for that. It only has the usb port. The alternative would be to pop out the radio and attach them to the rear of the radio receiver but since the car is leased I don't want to be messing with it.

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