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Bear are here...


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Kids were up..we went to garden with the dogs...she saw the blk berries near a loaded apple tree near the garden gate ..went over and before she could stop them her dogs rolled in fresh greasy bear scat...OMG ...I almost tossed cookies...2 baths later and they still stunk...one rolled it on like wall paper glue...lol...So today I went over a really investigated the area ...sure enough found more in tacked scat and it is bear....Now if it only stays around...I think I'll be doing a little calling and perhaps a honey burn....may be soak some real dry kindling in bacon grease for a while and burn that...seeing it isn't in fluid form and they don't usually consume burning wood...We certainly have the most producing oak in the area...That should help

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Here is a solution that may help, i've used it to remove odors and it worked well:



Here is his recipe:

  • One quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • One quarter cup of baking soda
  • one teaspoon of liquid hand soap (not detergent)

Bathe your pet in this solution and rinse with warm tap water. This solution could irritate a pet's eyes and should be used carefully. Krebaum warned that there is no way to store this potion. "If you put the ingredients in a bottle, the whole thing would explode.

The thiols that are responsible for the odor are not water soluble, even with soap, but the baking soda catalyzes the oxidative ability of the peroxide, which oxidizes the thiols into highly water-soluble, non-foul smelling sulfonates.


Hope you get some good trail cam pics of the bear. I was lucky to get one last winter over in Lpark, about 2 miles from my house. It's nice to have them around.





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Thanks guys...they took them home...Soooo not my problem any more..lol...Angel is smart enough not to roll...last time she did...I made her stay out side all night...shes a bit afraid of the dark.along with gun shots and thunder....the whining all night was worth it....she's never rolled since.


The smell..was a combo of...pig dung and binge drinking puke( I cleaned night clubs in high school)....We've had them around for years...but never on camera...they've gotten into ppls garages...chicken coops and grain bins...the DEC shot an injured nuisance one on the road behind us  a couple of years ago..its mouth was mangled...road hit

I've even tracked them ..track deer in the snow...it managed to walk behind 4 of my cameras! I think the deer had been wounded from it's gate and its droppings...it was an interesting hike around our place..until they crossed over to the neighbors pines..


I'll tell ya though...made walking through the woods after killing the hornets last night...a little unnerving...lol

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So tell me your thoughts please...The hunters were up this weekend..I got the drive up real slow and turn around in the drive thing a few times this weekend...checking on cars in drive and my where abouts  :fie: ....I went down to the shooting house and on the way noticed something big in the middle of the trail clover plot...It was a log I'd cut last winter...mind you as tall as me 5'5"...12" across  maple log...so it is pretty heavy... I struggled with it...

Do you think a bear could/would have put it there...or the hunters?...just  letting me know they were trespassing....they have done that before(leaving cans..gum in stands...gutting gloves..just to irritate.... JA's...the log was about 4ft off the trail..and the clover wasn't tore up...just flattened under it......nor any obvious  foot path through it .

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was the log torn up at all? if a bear finds a log that's bug infested they will tear the bark up to get to them........I found a deer carcass that a bear had gotten to, all the grass around it was flattened out where the bear had laid down while eating it.

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