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PSE Dreamseason DNA


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Hey guys I am interested in purchasing the new dream season dna by pse.  I was wondering if anyone had this bow and if so what they thought and or if anyone has had a chance to shoot it. So far the only negative reviews I have come across is the lack there of creep but other then that lets hear what you think thanks....

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Do Not Anger!!!!! lol I have one and I love the bow.Very fast,smooth,solid backwall and for a speed bow its actually really forgiving.When you get the bow in "stock configuration" it doesn't have a big valley so it wants to release very easily.The valley can be adjusted with the draw stops a bit on the bow.If you purchase one let me know and I can run you through it,very easy to change and makes a monster of a difference if you ask me.I wanted the skullworks but got mine used on Archerytalk for a song so I settled for camo.

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I have not shot the DNA but my last bow was a 2012 evo 6 and I agree , wih lack,of valley, really wanted to Jump out of your hand easy, seem to have a tougher draw real stiff, but man was that bow fast, bought a bowtech experience and it really is an experience, nicest smooths most forgiving bow on the market no doubt but lack,there of the speed, good luck !

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You knocking my Heli-m Doc!!!  LOL  They do come out with some strange names.  That name was due to it's weight and I agree after hauling the bow all day it is great to finally have a light bow to carry around.  It makes my MQ1 feel like a anchor!  Little harder to keep steady when shooting but well worth it when finishing a 8-12 hour hunting day that's usually over miles of rough terrain. 

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