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So i keep trying to hit some public land in Nebraska at the beginning of October but all my friends come up with the same excuse..." I'm broke"! For 209 bucks you get a buck and doe tag and theres 1.4 million acres of public land on the Platte River. Anyone else have lame friends that are buzzkills when it comes to stuff like this lol

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Yeah, I probably fall into that "lame" category .... lol. Actually there is a lot more cost than just the $209 for the tags. Travel, lodging, etc. have to be figured in also. And then too, remember that a lot of people are playing it pretty close to the vest with their budgets. Everybody keeps talking about the great economy but a lot of us have yet to see the results of that "great" economy. All I ever see anymore is inflation. Also, there are a lot of family obligations that keep people relegated to just the local hunts. Everybody has a different set of circumstances that determine what they can or can't do.  And then too, let's not forget that all hunters do not share the 100% commitment of devoting all of their time to hunting. A lot have other things that have to share any free time. Anyway, I understand the attitude of those friends that shy away from such opportunities.


It's too bad because nobody really wants to go on these kinds of trips by themselves. And I know you are frustrated. Perhaps somebody in this forum might be interested in heading out there with you. It does sound like a fun trip.

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When I was younger I wasn't lame.......grin.  I am now though.


I did lots of trips like that.   Not so much last minute planning, mostly a year or more in advance.  Start your plan earlier and get your buds to commit, it'll be worth it!

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haha maybe lame wasn't the right word :P


Every trip i plan out i save on to the computer with maps, lodging etc etc... Its just the lack of people to go with. Although i would go alone, i would much rather share the experience with someone else. 


one of these days i will go lol

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Nebraska was hit so hard by EHD that I'd seriously avoid it for another 2-3 years. I know a handful of people that hunt across that state, and all have said they are not going back this year because of the % of bucks that died.


It's not THAT cheap to go half way across the country. I have knock on door permission on farms in Ohio and even a week a hunting there costs $6-750 bucks between gas, tags, motel (not fancy by any stretch), food, last second equipment.


Tags: $150

Motel:$210-250 per week

Gas: $225ish

Food: $150ish if you avoid eating out at all.


I do want to hunt Nebraska someday...it ranks behind Iowa/Kansas/Illinois, but it's right there. I'd also rather go there the week before their gun season rather than Oct. lol. Get it done here first and then spread your wings. Make the most of your time. Time management on out of state trips (logistics) is almost as important as the actual hunting is.

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I understand theres more to it than just the tags and license. Money is a low concern for me. On the flipside, i would not pay to an outfitter X amount of dollars to pick out a deer for me, put me in  this exact tree and you will kill him at this time. I like to do the leg work myself which is why open public land is ideal. ive killed decent deer in Maryland on public land, but its Maryland lol. Time to expand westward.


Iowa/Kansas/Illinois are top contenders on my list as well. My uncle has a farm just outside of pike county and i have yet to go down there.

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If you really want to go to Nebraska, why not look into a semi guided hunt? That's what I do in PA. They take care of the lodging and food and provide some tips, but you drive to/from the hunting areas and hunt however and wherever and whenever you want. Much cheaper than a fully guided hunt and you get to meet other hunters in camp, etc.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

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I understand theres more to it than just the tags and license. Money is a low concern for me. On the flipside, i would not pay to an outfitter X amount of dollars to pick out a deer for me, put me in  this exact tree and you will kill him at this time. I like to do the leg work myself which is why open public land is ideal. ive killed decent deer in Maryland on public land, but its Maryland lol. Time to expand westward.


Iowa/Kansas/Illinois are top contenders on my list as well. My uncle has a farm just outside of pike county and i have yet to go down there.


That's silly talk right there...access in the golden triangle area and you haven't pounced. You are killing me Smalls.


Nobody brought up outfitters. Whether its public land, leasing, or knocking on doors, it all takes work. Problem is, your idea of workload is much higher than what most people are willing to deal with.


For me, money is less of an issue as long as it is reasonable. The bigger issue is time. If I take a week off, that time needs to be logistically spent the best way possible. Not at an outfitter, but having done the leg work ahead of time. When I go to Ohio...I usually go 2x. I scout the heck out of it for a weekend in March...so when I go down there in November, I don't need to spend as much time glassing, speed scouting, etc. Going to the midwest makes this much more difficult to do, because I don't need to burn a vacation day to go to Ohio for a weekend. Nebraska...I'd need two days if I hurried.


You should just go to Ohio...good caliber of bucks and LOTS of public land for a state east of the Mississippi. Tags are cheaper and you can be on public Ohio ground in 4 hours from your house in Monroe County.

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I don't tell such secrets...I found a general pocket with lower hunting pressure both resident and non-resident. They are there.


A good rule of thumb is to draw a line from the SW corner of the state to the NE corner of the state. Anything on the bottom and right side is good. Anything on the left and top on that other half is not nearly as good.


But, again, if you have access as you say you do in the Golden Triangle of Illinois...there's no sense not making that your first, highest, and best priority. Basic rule is to hunt where the giants live if you want to kill one. That area has the stats to back it up.

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Anyone else have lame friends that are buzzkills when it comes to stuff like this lol

No doubt, its tough.

I used to arrange a fishing trip to Quebec for about 7 years running. I think one out of seven there wasn't a problem with someone it seemed.

One dude had a DWI and wasn't allowed over the border and blamed me.

Another showed up with not enough money to get back home but he drove on his own instead of car pooling as I wouldn't let him smoke in my car for the 6 hr drive. I had to loan him 40 bucks to get a tank full of gas.

One packed like 7 t shirts and 3 pairs of jeans; but a broken fishing pole.When you bush plane fly weight is very strict.....trip of a lifetime for him......and he brought extra cloths and a pole he knew was broken.(last 2 eyes and the tip missing)

Can't make this shit up.

Eventually it was just me and another guy for a few more times, but he got married and moved, so that ended that.

On one trip I could have brought someone along for free on a 10 day South African safari trip for the cost of airfare to them......1200 bucks. Could have shot 3 animals for free....all meals,lodging, transportation, I even had a free limo drive to JFK......never got anyone interested.

Now I figure it must be me.....so I gave up all those silly thoughs of planning with others.

I did have a smokin' hunt with another hunter I met on a forum for muledeer; hunt with him again in a second. Soon as his hip replaced at the end of this year and he heals up; we are going to Africa.....my 4th trip and his first. Hope he gets better sooner than later. LOL

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Damn, Dinsdale.  Next time you want to offer a free safari hunt complete with limo ride to JFK, I'll not only pay for my own plane ticket but I'll cover half of yours as well.  Geez.


One of these days I'll go on a guided hunt.  Will probably start out simple like hogs or something.  No point in tagging a monster elk when I have no where to put the horns.  Plus there are a couple of other places I need to check off my bucket list.

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Damn, Dinsdale.  Next time you want to offer a free safari hunt complete with limo ride to JFK, I'll not only pay for my own plane ticket but I'll cover half of yours as well.  Geez.


At the time, 2005, I didn't even own a computer; and all I worked with was broke ass carpenters like me to ask. LOL

I bought an donated auction hunt that had some quota attached and included an observer for free, but the PH was OK to get a license for the observer to take those animals.....I took them on my hunt.

I did some bathroom renovations for a guy who owned a local limo service; so I traded him time for a ride; nice not to have to long term park down there.

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So i keep trying to hit some public land in Nebraska at the beginning of October but all my friends come up with the same excuse..." I'm broke"! For 209 bucks you get a buck and doe tag and theres 1.4 million acres of public land on the Platte River. Anyone else have lame friends that are buzzkills when it comes to stuff like this lol


sounds like all my friends, I'm broke. blah, blah,blah


work some overtime, hell no, I have stuff to do,

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haha maybe lame wasn't the right word :P


Every trip i plan out i save on to the computer with maps, lodging etc etc... Its just the lack of people to go with. Although i would go alone, i would much rather share the experience with someone else. 


one of these days i will go lol

You might just be hangin with the wrong crowd..naa just kidding, just seems a lot of people are really starting to tighten their belts these day.

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I must be lame as well. I can't for the life of me see the sense in paying to travel halfway across the country to hunt deer when I have seven tags to fill here in NY (my bow, reg, 2 DMPs, and ML, plus my wife's 2 DMPs)

Whitetails only.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

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Whitetails only.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2


Yup, that's all we have here in NY.  I can't imagine the deer in Nebraska taste any different than those here.  I'd be willing to travel to hunt moose, elk, grizzly, antelope, or sheep, but not deer.

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