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Health Insurance!!

sits in trees

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Health Insurance is something that weights heavily on almost every working mans mind today. i was wondering if any of your employers are making you pay for a percentage% of your annual premiums and how much, or if you have to pay high deductibles or meet a certain number in dollars a year to begin getting coverage?

what about you guy's who run your own small businesses i can only imagine what your up against to keep your families covered?

just wondering how you guy's are dealing with this as these insurance companies seem to be out to take every last drop of our blood with 20% average annual increases >:)

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My wife works at a Hospital and she pays $120 every 2 weeks for our insurance. One nice thing about where she works, is they will forgive most of the bill that the insurance company does not pay. She had some surgery, and had a $800 bill left after insurance, she went to the billing department, and they sais we take care of our workers, and knocked the bill down to less then $200. Only thing they could not knock off was out of the hospital costs.

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Currently I pay $400 per month which is $4800 per year to cover my family.  My company gives me my insurance for free and pays about half of the family coverage cost.  Many companies these days don't pay any of the family coverage portion.  If that was me I would then be paying over $9000 per year!  Luckily my family is healthy and our medical expenses don't even add up to the $4800 I am paying for insurance.  Of course one can't be without it in case if something major came up.  It's just mind boggling how messed up our health system is.  It won't be long before employers don't even carry health insurance for employees.  It will be like car insurance or any other private insurance.  If you want it, you will have to pay thru the nose to get it on your own.  Too many people have been sweeping the health system crisis under the rug for too long in this country!  It is beyond the point of repair!

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Health ins. deduction is about 75$ every two weeks for myself and my son. If it wasn't for what the company kicks in I'm sure it would be like a car payment. The good news is sometime after next Jan. I might be able to get my daughter back on the policy even though she is 21+.

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Health ins. deduction is about 75$ every two weeks for myself and my son. If it wasn't for what the company kicks in I'm sure it would be like a car payment. The good news is sometime after next Jan. I might be able to get my daughter back on the policy even though she is 21+.

By law your children are covered until age 26.

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our company will be forced to make employees contribute 20% to their annual health insurance this coming year. this is 50.00 bucks a week for me and my wife, but for the guy's with families the portion is 75.00 a week, i feel bad for these poor family guy's, man 75 a week is close to a 2 dollar and hour reduction in pay. our companies health ins increase was 21% last year and the increase for this coming year will be around 18% or more???????

the company is Oxford and they have been making record profits and huge financial gains in the last few years, and it makes me sick to see young families in our company contimplating dropping their coverage because they just can't pay the 75 bucks a week (300 a month). these poor folks make too much for any type of public assistance and can't afford to pay for their employer based health plan any more.

i asked one of the guy's what will you do if one of your kids gets sick and needs antibiotics, between that and a doctors office visit and a possible strep throat test he could be in for 500 bucks, and with 3 kids that can be 3 or 4 times a winter, anyone with kids knows how that goes.

the ins companies excuse was always "the soaring cost of health care" but they leave out the part of the soaring cost of their greed at the expense of the American people, all while our gov just sits on thier hands.

there are some good things coming in this health ins overhaul thingy, they got rid of the prexisting thing, and ins companies can't bump you for being too sick and all, but neither side has done a thing to contain cost, they say the health reform thing will contain cost over time but how long can America wait???

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To me this is like one of the "Lethel Weapons" with Joe Pesche when he says" They F'U with the Cell Phones".....That is how I feel about Health Insurance....and my company has held our benefits since 2008. I would hate to think where I would be if that hadn't happened.

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free market insurance ..... allow across state line sales of policies.  and but a damn damper on frivilous law suits

i dont think the across state lines thing is really going to help, health insurances costs are pretty much the same no matter where in the country you are, our company was looking to Fla for a possible move a couple years back and there were zerO savings on health ins costs down there in Fla. these are nationwide companies and the rates are figured on a nationwide basis. we stayed in NY because we actually had more in the way of options as far as employee health care is concerend. not cost savings just more options as far as insurers.
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