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FINALLY a Good Buck! (Scrape Video)

Cabin Fever

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great buck. problem is the time of day :)




perhaps. some older deer will rarely come out during the day.



they will, they always do... just have to be in the right spot at the right time. it happens quick when they show up in the day light. 

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Yeah, he was there at 4:48am. I was climbing in the stand 75 yards from there (but within sight and it looks like he came from there) at 6:30am! There is a jungle of a thicket ~5' behind where he is standing. I hunted there yesterday afternoon until dark, thinking if he bedded in there yesterday after the video, I might catch him coming back out. No such luck. He's probably just passing through, like so many others do this time of year.

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if you have thick cover right there and a doe that might be starting to come in, he would know it and might be hanging in and around there. he could be in there waiting and hanging out or he could be checking other area near by and only a matter of time until he makes his way back according to the doe situation. 


ive had a 6 1/2 show up one day 2 years ago, he would shot up all the time for a week, disappeared for a week. i figured he moved off to another doe beddding area to check things out and it was exactly this time of year. when i checked the came i saw he was there just a few hours before me. i saw him that morning for the first time ever in day light at 11:15 nose to the ground and the next day again on a doe at 8:00am. i always wondered if i happened to catch him show his first appearance in the day light. its funny what one hot doe can do!

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Getting warmer!!


Got him passing within 12 yards of one on my stands Thursday evening at 6:33pm and Friday evening at 6:26pm!! I'll be there this evening (Saturday)!! Hoping a little rattling and grunting or a hot doe might bring him by a little earlier one of these evenings!






After he passes this stand, he's been heading to a HOT scrape ~400 yards away. Looks like he's been getting there between 7:00-7:30 the past 2 nights. (BTW, have the cam set for 30 sec videos, but it's only doing 9sec videos, because the batteries are weak in this cam! Gonna change them this afternoon!)





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