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Sold my bow... time to practice with the backup!


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Had to sell my parker to help pay some bills. Ill now use a high country my dad has for the rest of the season. Gonna be shooting it alot this week preparing for a trip to camp in the southern tier this year!

Sorry to hear the Parker go, but maybe with a fresh setup, the dreaded missing curse will not follow. Good luck with it, shoot straight.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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I wouldn't even bother paper tuning it... it's a different bow you're not used to... i'd just practice shooting it and then maybe walk back tune it if need be.  seems I've had better luck with older quality bows with getting the left and right dead on from the start.  I think it's because they flex less and aren't loading up to store so much energy as with the newer bows.

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Sucks you had to sell your bow. Sucks when times are tough. I sold my reconyx cameras in august and holy hell do I miss them! Just go practice with the other bow and you should be fine man. My old man has a newer hoyt crx 32 but still shoots his old! Bear bow he got back in 1981 lol. Slow as can be but still hits the target!

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You can't judge until your in that tough spot man. I'm right there with ya teebug. I lost my job in august and was working for my father in law at 1/4 the pay up until last week I finally got a new job that pays just as good if not better than my last one. But now I'm in the hole from the time period I was without big paychecks. Working as many hours as possible to crawl up out of this hole. Its a tough world and sometimes you gotta give up the things you love for the things you need.

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You can't judge until your in that tough spot man. I'm right there with ya teebug. I lost my job in august and was working for my father in law at 1/4 the pay up until last week I finally got a new job that pays just as good if not better than my last one. But now I'm in the hole from the time period I was without big paychecks. Working as many hours as possible to crawl up out of this hole. Its a tough world and sometimes you gotta give up the things you love for the things you need.


So you know what "spot" I'm in?


I'm mearly pointing out that there most likely wasn't a whole lot of money to be made on a used Parker (I own one), in the long run a little extra hard work on the side would have been more beneficial.

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Ive been doing sidework and its beginning to dry up. Pretty much looked around my place an said this is probably the easiest money maker i have at this point. Will i regret it here in a few hours when he picks it up...maybe. But i cant worry about that.

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Priorities suck! I am figuring out the guy I work for likes to work one week and take one off. It is good for getting time in the woods and time with my boys, but right now I don't have gas money to get to the stand. I was used to working 60 hours a week having money and no time for anything. Good luck with the back up.

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Good luck getting gas money! I know how it goes...its not fun. Only reason im going to camp this weekend is because we are car pooling down there. Otherwise id be sticking close to home. Im gonna shot the high country tonite and see how it goes. Ive had to use a backup bow before so shouldnt be an issue!

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Sold my Boat last month to fix the car. All the extra tree stands and ice fishing stuff the month before. All the un needed guns the month before. just have the bow the rifle and the muzzle loader left. down to the bare minimal now. They just dropped our hrs and raised our life insurance to double what i was paying so now im behind again on all the bills. Looking for a second full time job.  have been out a total of 5 times this yr so far which is unheard of for me. Not sure I could sell the rest of my guns and bow or not tho. I guess Ill have to see how bad it gets. I might have to dust off the recurve.

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You will be fine with the old bow. I break out my old Hoyte now and then. Its slower than snot, compared to the bow I use now but it killed deer then and it will kill deer now. Just get some practice in with the Parker and don't worry about it. Good luck.

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Shot the high country four runner tonite....didnt need to change a thing. Kinda nice when your dad and you shoot just about the same. Even walked out to 32 yards...still dead on. So now i can expand my range a little bit. Fast bow, louder than my parker but feels about the same when i shoot it. Good bow! Paired with some victory v6 buck buster arrows...should get the job done!

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