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I shot a buck opening morning in Cobleskill


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We've been hunting my buddies property in Cobleskill for nearly 30 years.  I've had a few bucks and a few does.  My best one was a 9 pointer that I had mounted.  My buddies best was a nice 8 pointer that he had mounted.  This year it was myself, my buddy, and his two sons.  I was on the mountain at 6:15am,  I couldn't find a comfortable log or boulder to sit on, so I was standing/leaning between two small trees looking down the mountain.  I look just 20 feet in front of me and walking along a fallen tree is a beautiful, huge fat grouse.  He looked delicious!  He walked right in front of me and then finally noticed me and flew off.  Awesome!  Two years ago,  I got to watch a hawk grab a squirrel just a few yards in front of me.


A few minutes after the grouse left, I turned to look behind me and there was a buck.  I waited for a clear shot and dropped him with my 30-30 from about 40 yards.  I called my buddy on the 2 way radio and he offered to come over and help me drag the buck down to our quads.  I shot this buck at 7:30 in the morning.  This was much earlier than the other deer I've taken from up on the mountain.   My buddy spooked a buck similar to mine, but couldn't get a good shot off.  The 2 sons didn't see anything.  The buck is 7 points, but a pretty small rack.  There were some hunters on the 2 way radio that were talking about a bear they got on Saturday morning that was near 300lbs.  Bear are less common up that way than in the Catskills or the Adirondacks.  Good for them.




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I always thought it was above the Catskills.


It is above the Catkskills and below the Adirondacks. Right in between. I hunt 10 minutes outside of Cobleskill just north of the Walmart. Congrats on the deer. My buddy just got the biggest six pointer I ever saw and we know there are bigger ones on the property so hoping to cash in this year.

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