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Looks like the NRA can lose.

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News Flash for ya buddy, I'm a Lifer for years now.  I have not sent them any money in years and they don't make me pay any.  they hardly ever ask me for any.  What they ask me to do is vote or write letters to idiot legislators that are trying to pass laws that take my rights away.

They send me factual articles and info on pending legislation.  Real legislation.  Legislation that would effect every gun owner in America.  If not for NRA members, their voting clout and their willingness to fight, the 2nd Amendment would've been repealed a long time ago.

Nothing irks me more than gun owners disrespecting the NRA and my fight for their gun rights.

As far as your theory about the NRA seeking profits, the NRA is a non-profit group. People who work for non-profits forgo higher  salaries for the less tangible benefits offered by public advocacy.


  Non-profit organizations are closely regulated by the Internal Revenue Service. 

Time to become a member and stop mooching off their efforts.

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You say the NRA sends you information to keep you informed on the issues...I think it's to keep you scared so you'll keep sending them money.  The NRA is a business first and foremost and they make a very good profit.  It's like a labor union.  They exploit the little guy who honestly thinks he's being helped while the fat cats who run the organization sit back and line their pockets.

For one .. I am not scared and they don't make me send them money... I choose to send money if I think it's necessary.. I'm a lifer .. and like  VJP.. they don't bother me at all asking for money... just keep me informed on current anti-gun legislation... If you think its all propaganda then you aren't paying attention to whats going on...

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As for Mr. VJP, I'm really surprised that they don't solicit you for money.  What plan are you on because they stick their hands out to me more than democrats?  I'm not going to spend my life running in circles panicking that the sky is falling.  The 2nd amendment isn't going to be repealed any time soon.  Nor would it have ever been.  I'm not sure you realize just what it takes to amend the constitution. 

The only benefit the NRA has for us is that it gives the gun owning community the chance to put a number in front of people as far as just how many of us there are out there.  If they really cared about our rights they'd volunteer their time though and not charge dues. 

As for them not making money guess where the money came from for Wayne LaPierre's last safari?

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If you are not an NRA member, you are not in the fight and are taking advantage of others fighting for your right to own a firearm.  Only 5% of gun owners are in the NRA.  That, to me, generally reflects the apathy of the general population as a whole, regarding any issue that affects their lives.

If you own a firearm and care about your right to do so, but attack the NRA at the same time, you are a tool of the anti gun groups and might as well send them your money.

I firmly believe for most gun owners, not being a member of the NRA is a money issue.  These gun owners don't see the benefits the NRA provides them.  They need to get some instant gratification for their dues, like a knife or a jacket, in order to feel they are getting some value.  They don't have a clue that their gun rights hang by a thread in America, the only country left in the world where true gun rights still exist, in spite of all of the efforts by enemies, foreign and domestic, to eliminate them.

The only thing in America that prevents all gun rights from vanishing is the huge voting block of gun owners that belong to the NRA.  Elected officials know we vote, and we vote pro-gun.  The rest of Americas gun owner's may vote, but how they vote is not certain.

For me, associating with a non-NRA gun owner in any type of gun activity, is like working with a co-worker that refuses to lift his end of the log.  I have no use for him, and to me he is worthless.

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Way to dance around the issue with blinders on.

All I have to say is stay in school, and open your eyes. You have alot to learn.


A lot to learn about what? Free thought? Realism?  I'm work too hard for my money to send it away to some lobbyist in Washington to defend a right that's not going anywhere in the first place.  When someone tells me the sky is falling and says he needs my money to continue holding it up, you bet your a** I'm looking upwards before I hand over my dough. 

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If you are not an NRA member, you are not in the fight and are taking advantage of others fighting for your right to own a firearm.  Only 5% of gun owners are in the NRA.  That, to me, generally reflects the apathy of the general population as a whole, regarding any issue that affects their lives.

If you own a firearm and care about your right to do so, but attack the NRA at the same time, you are a tool of the anti gun groups and might as well send them your money.

I firmly believe for most gun owners, not being a member of the NRA is a money issue.  These gun owners don't see the benefits the NRA provides them.  They need to get some instant gratification for their dues, like a knife or a jacket, in order to feel they are getting some value.  They don't have a clue that their gun rights hang by a thread in America, the only country left in the world where true gun rights still exist, in spite of all of the efforts by enemies, foreign and domestic, to eliminate them.

The only thing in America that prevents all gun rights from vanishing is the huge voting block of gun owners that belong to the NRA.  Elected officials know we vote, and we vote pro-gun.  The rest of Americas gun owner's may vote, but how they vote is not certain.

For me, associating with a non-NRA gun owner in any type of gun activity, is like working with a co-worker that refuses to lift his end of the log.  I have no use for him, and to me he is worthless.

Ok chicken little, if you honestly believe that gun rights are at stake, continue sending your money.  I however, am going to think for myself and hang on to my cash.  I guess this is one topic we'll have to agree to disagree on.  I'll never convince you to have a critical, free thought, and you'll never convince me to blindly follow the leader. 

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  Only 5% of gun owners are in the NRA. 

It seems that you have proven the point that myself and Wildcats160 have been saying, the NRA is a small group of gun owners who blindly send money to anyone who can convince them it is a good cause.  What this means is that 95% of gun owners do not buy in to the propaganda that is spewed by the NRA. They have no pull in Washington and they are just another lobbyist puppet of the federal government.

The only thing in America that prevents all gun rights from vanishing is the huge voting block of gun owners that belong to the NRA.  Elected officials know we vote, and we vote pro-gun.  The rest of Americas gun owner's may vote, but how they vote is not certain.

You talk about the huge voting block of the NRA but they are only 5% of the gun owners in the US. That is not a huge block. The thing that prevents all gun rights from vanishing is the 2nd amendment, the 95% of gun owners who are not in the NRA and the 5% that are. It is a fight we all fight by owning guns and voting properly. I am not going to send my hard earned money to a group who is just gonna give it to a politician. I can do my own research and voter for what I feel is right.

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"As far as your theory about the NRA seeking profits, the NRA is a non-profit group. People who work for non-profits forgo higher  salaries for the less tangible benefits offered by public advocacy"

BS, the leaders of the NRA pull down millions, they may not show profits but they do indeed make alot of money and pay it to the leaders.

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"As far as your theory about the NRA seeking profits, the NRA is a non-profit group. People who work for non-profits forgo higher  salaries for the less tangible benefits offered by public advocacy"

As someone who once worked for a non-profit organization I second the motion to call the above paragraph BS!

Many of the hardcore NRA members have a hard time understanding that the reason only 5% of gun owners are members is because the other 95% don't exactly buy into all their crap like the brainwashed 5% do.  Of course the 5% will come back with all sorts of accusations like the others are too cheap and they are left carrying all the weight and all the typical baloney.  The proof is in the numbers boys.  If more people bought into what the NRA touts, they would have way more members.  The membership fees would not be an issue, when most people pay more per month for cable TV.  The reality is that most gun owners don't see a problem with some restrictions on certain firearms in today's world, thus are not in agreement with what the NRA want every gun owner to believe.  Quite simple to understand if you only look at it objectively. 

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Ok chicken little, if you honestly believe that gun rights are at stake, continue sending your money.  I however, am going to think for myself and hang on to my cash.  I guess this is one topic we'll have to agree to disagree on.  I'll never convince you to have a critical, free thought, and you'll never convince me to blindly follow the leader.

Spoken like a true liberal.. :D oops sorry I mean fence rider

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"As far as your theory about the NRA seeking profits, the NRA is a non-profit group. People who work for non-profits forgo higher  salaries for the less tangible benefits offered by public advocacy"

As someone who once worked for a non-profit organization I second the motion to call the above paragraph BS!

Many of the hardcore NRA members have a hard time understanding that the reason only 5% of gun owners are members is because the other 95% don't exactly buy into all their crap like the brainwashed 5% do.  Of course the 5% will come back with all sorts of accusations like the others are too cheap and they are left carrying all the weight and all the typical baloney.  The proof is in the numbers boys.  If more people bought into what the NRA touts, they would have way more members.  The membership fees would not be an issue, when most people pay more per month for cable TV.  The reality is that most gun owners don't see a problem with some restrictions on certain firearms in today's world, thus are not in agreement with what the NRA want every gun owner to believe.  Quite simple to understand if you only look at it objectively. 

Its not necessarily abot the gun laws that you don't see a problem with.. its about the ones that you do... basically your saying that we shouldn't buy into the NRA BS,  which is to stand up for the 2nd Amendment and our right to keep and bear arms... the law doesn't say.. keep and bear "certain" arms
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I'm sorry but it is a business..and let me tell you they send us something in the mail EVERY day asking for more money in this form or that...

Now as for non profit and regulations ...What a joke...no different that the GVC... whos head guys are lawyers I believe....

Oh and I was just thinking on this...fund raisers...ie ..American cancer...diabetes...heart.....Do you honestly think true cures would ever ..ever become reality?....if they let them out ...how could they ever continue raising the money and keeping these jobs...that also includes the lower paid researchers....bring down big money...Yes managing the problems...more drugs to sell but if a cure were out there...we'll Never see it...Just not smart business...Sorry no CEO is worth these amounts in my opinion

According to the 2008 IRS Form 990 for the NRA1, Executive Vice  President Wayne LaPierre raked in $1,263,101 per year; NRA Institute for  Legislative Action EVP Chris Cox made $661,059; Treasurer Wilson  Phillips made $649,463; General Operations Executive Director Kayne  Robinson benefited to the tune of $602,608; and last, Secretary Edward  Land, Jr. trails the pack with a measly $509,186.

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Ok chicken little, if you honestly believe that gun rights are at stake, continue sending your money.  I however, am going to think for myself and hang on to my cash.  I guess this is one topic we'll have to agree to disagree on.  I'll never convince you to have a critical, free thought, and you'll never convince me to blindly follow the leader.

Spoken like a true liberal.. :) oops sorry I mean fence rider

Careful who you classify, I'm not fence rider.  As stated in the other post, libertarian, the only party that honestly gives a crap about freedom. 

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Growalot, those compensation figures you posted are not just salary numbers.  They are total compensation numbers including all benefits and expenses. 

Don't think for one minute these men couldn't double their income in the private sector working in a for profit organization.

Have you seen the salaries corporate CEO's of private companies, half the size of the NRA, earn?

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There are an estimated 120 million gun owners in America.  There are 6 million NRA members.  That is a huge voting block to a man running for President.

95% of Americans have no idea what's happening in America today.  They don't know who there elected officials are or what bills they are proposing either.  That doesn't make them informed or involved.  The government prefers a populace that is just fat, dumb and happy, and that includes 115 million gun owners who haven't got a clue.

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Ok chicken little, if you honestly believe that gun rights are at stake, continue sending your money.  I however, am going to think for myself and hang on to my cash.  I guess this is one topic we'll have to agree to disagree on.  I'll never convince you to have a critical, free thought, and you'll never convince me to blindly follow the leader.

Spoken like a true liberal.. :) oops sorry I mean fence rider

Careful who you classify, I'm not fence rider.  As stated in the other post, libertarian, the only party that honestly gives a crap about freedom.

Yes .. by their own account.. I still call it fence riding...and thats how nothing gets done

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There are an estimated 120 million gun owners in America.  There are 6 million NRA members.  That is a huge voting block to a man running for President.

95% of Americans have no idea what's happening in America today.  They don't know who there elected officials are or what bills they are proposing either.  That doesn't make them informed or involved.  The government prefers a populace that is just fat, dumb and happy, and that includes 115 million gun owners who haven't got a clue.

I give up. There is no way to have a discussion with someone who can say that 6 million people are smarter than 115 million people. Growalot posted solid figures and you still contest that that is not a lot of money. 5 guys made $3,685,417. Why do they need so much money. That is YOUR money they are getting that you are sending in to supposedly help with the fight for our rights. It looks like it just helps them take vacations and buy Ferrari's.

I guess what I am saying is that you can have your clue and I will keep my money.

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I'm sorry...did you miss something I wrote?...and please I'm not the one to throw the ole public vs non for profit sector salary woes to......

They chose to go that route....it doesn't mean that they should be compensated huge amounts of money...

Now  that I'm back in this...the Catholic comment....don't apologize....but it's like that in all organized religion...and if you were to pic out just one ...yes lets look at this....churches closing all over the place and the ppl giving their hard earned $$$ being asked to give more as they are being uprooted...should really take a close hard look at the Vatican...then scroll down to the millions going out to protect the ...I'll be kind here..."BAD SEEDs"please !! >;)

You have a right to your opinion ...but so doesn't everyone else...I'm not  about to label you this or that ...resort to calling names or impugning you for your thoughts..

Now if that is how you need to handle a difference of opinion...I'll just say....."WHAT EVER''' :)

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There are an estimated 120 million gun owners in America.  There are 6 million NRA members.  That is a huge voting block to a man running for President.

95% of Americans have no idea what's happening in America today.  They don't know who there elected officials are or what bills they are proposing either.  That doesn't make them informed or involved.  The government prefers a populace that is just fat, dumb and happy, and that includes 115 million gun owners who haven't got a clue.

I give up. There is no way to have a discussion with someone who can say that 6 million people are smarter than 115 million people. Growalot posted solid figures and you still contest that that is not a lot of money. 5 guys made $3,685,417. Why do they need so much money. That is YOUR money they are getting that you are sending in to supposedly help with the fight for our rights. It looks like it just helps them take vacations and buy Ferrari's.

I guess what I am saying is that you can have your clue and I will keep my money.

Hmm I wonder then how a handful of polititians seem to be able get such a great number of americans to buy into their crap... somehow a few have been able to take the money of many and squander it to the point of near bankruptcy... how could so many smart people not see what so few were doing right under their noses? It's because.. yes its possible that there are less smart people than there are those that need to be led arround by the hand
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