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Where is all the ammo ?


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Ammo has been hard to get for 5-6 yrs now?? I have gone periods of 6 months not being able to get my hands on variety of ammo....in North Carolina it was always the land of plenty for all firearms and related items...past few yrs finding ammo was a treasure hunt...stores that were always packed ....once the shortages started I was smart and loaded up every chance I had...a lot of online ordering and backorders. Unless some sort of revolution breaks out I am good to go...will still buy up whatever I can when I can. Call me crazy but I some what looked at it like an investment. After sandy hook I realize I was smart to stock up

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The NRA also ran an article in their magazine several months back saying that it's not the government agencies responsible for the shortage, but the everyday consumer who's responsible for the shortage....people are buying up the ammo at an unprecedented rate.

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Depends on what you are looking for.  I was in the Utica Bass Pro last Sunday.  They had almost everything I use, including .22's.  It gets harder when you need something specific.  Like I cannot find LeveRevolution 30-30's.  When I do find them, I buy them up so I won't have to pay the background check fee later on.

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I can find just about everything except 22LR, 30-30 and for some reason 357 mag. I don't think the government has anything to do with shortages, in some areas. I often  see guys buying cart loads of ammo, while bragging about how many thousands of rounds they already have at home. If you're buying up ammo, while you already have a ton of it at home, you are the problem. And a selfish douche.

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I can find just about everything except 22LR, 30-30 and for some reason 357 mag. I don't think the government has anything to do with shortages, in some areas. I often  see guys buying cart loads of ammo, while bragging about how many thousands of rounds they already have at home. If you're buying up ammo, while you already have a ton of it at home, you are the problem. And a selfish douche.

one of the gunshop's I frequent limits the amount of ammo they'll sell to one person.....I give them credit for doing so.

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Yeah .. the local shop does the same, at least with 22LR. But I still see guys buy their limit, put the ammo in their car and then get back in line. When the guys behind the counter call them on it they throw a fit and intentionally make a scene. One time I almost got into a fist fight with a 70 year old guy who tried getting back in line twice! 

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