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More piggy news


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Had an article in Sunday's paper about the ban on hunting and trapping wild hogs with full protection being afforded to these invaders. Apparently the DEC has been fairly active in their pursuit of the piggies, claiming to have caught and killed more than 150 pig so far. Apparently the method of choice is trapping so that they can catch entire sounders of these critters at a time. That is why they don't want hunters and trappers dispersing these sounders before they have a crack at doing their thing.


I am surprised that there are so many out there that they could so quickly get 150 of them. I didn't even know that 150 0f those things were loose in the whole state ..... lol.


The only thing I was thinking as I was reading this was that perhaps they are cherry picking the high density areas to show some impressive early results and success may be rapidly slowing down after they have captured the easy ones. It seems to me that there will soon come a time when they will have to undo their "full protection" decree and open them back up for full-on public hunting and trapping. I don't know, the jury is still out regarding the way the DEC is handling the situation. Time will tell.

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I agree with time will tell. It's better to let them have a crack on this and see if they can control it. Not sure why they aren't using more trappers to assist in this problem. I think the more the better. 

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Well, it does show that the DEC does do some independent thinking and doesn't always play "follow the leader" with other states. I just hope it works for them (us) and doesn't leave them with egg on their face. It could come out very badly if they don't follow through and keep up an adequate effort.

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Can the weather, that is extreme cold winter weather, kill off a good percentage of the critters? If ground is frozen, then they either move on or expire.

It seems they survive and thrive in Siberia. Bitter cold weather is usual there .... right? I don't know, I think they are just a nomadic critter, and are probably just keeping one step ahead of everybody.

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I will make a prediction that the DEC will make a valiant effort until they realize that it is getting them no where and then the season will open again for full-on warfare against the piggies. let's face it, if containing the spread of these things was a simple as sending out a few people to construct some traps, there wouldn't be any pig problem. I think there will be some initial successes, trailing off to none after a while and then it will become obvious that the "hunter army" is required. There may some additional motivations such as bounties offered, depending on the level of desperation.


I have to say that this prediction is only a guess, and based on no particular expertise. But it all seems highly probable from what I have read about these critters.

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