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Barrel protector for ML

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I use a surgical glove when I hang scent pads and throw most of them away . I keep a couple and use them to make barrel protectors . Cut the ends of the fingers of the glove off so they are about 1 1/2" long . Slip one of the cutoff tips on a finger and roll it up so it looks like a miniture condom ( no offence Doc ) . Then do the same with the other cutoffs . Take one of them and slip it over the end of your ML after it is loaded .

The "mini condom" will keep dirt / debreis out of the barrel and keep moisture out of the barrel so it can't get your powder wet .

Or you could throw away the glove and buy the protectors . I prefer to save money .

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  • 3 months later...

Great idea. I was hunting with a friend once..in the rain. To keep the scopes dry on the eye end (lol) I suggested we use a little samich baggy. Worked well....until my friend pulled up on a nice 8pnt and forgot it was on there.I think he may have been a little ticked off at me. I will be trying this glove idea though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last year I bought a new gun with a scope and it came with the flip up lens protectors that you can shoot through. I completely forgot about them but when a deer trotted by I made the shot righht through them. They are great and won't cost you a deer.

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Good idea, Eddie, several of my hunting buddies do that...

Doesn't work for me though,because I  use open sights and it covers up my front sight..

The electrical tape or duct tape works well also....I've used it for both my muzzleloader and my centerfire rifles...

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