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Trust me your troubles have just begun.  For the first two or three years, you will spend your time policing the area and chasing off those who think the signs do not pertain to them.  But in the long run, it is well worth it


Well said,  I had the same problem.  Get the megaphone out and and start walking the property at first light.  Put up cameras and any trespassers post there pictures all over the trees.  Trust me it is worth ruining some days for yourself but will help in the long run............

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Power lines? Good luck with that. Talk about a conduit for tresspassing.

Actually my place has NYSEG lines going through. I have never had a problem with people thinking it was legal to hunt the lines. There are about 10 posted signs that line the roadway where the lines go over.

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My new land is adjacent to a 70 acre woodlot.  I've heard from a few locals that my neighbor is a large family and that they've been hunting the whole piece(theirs and mine) for years; and that they drive/push the entire property with their extended family and shoot everything they see.  I have no doubt that they know exactly where the boundaries are.  I'm really nervous about this season- I dread the thought of having to get out of the treestand on opening day and have a conversation with trespassers.  I'm planning to try to drop by their house and introduce myself in the coming weeks next time I'm upstate.  I have the added stress of living 250 miles away and knowing that they can do whatever they want when I'm not around.

hate to say it, but if you live 250 miles away and the current neighbors do what you heard, you're not gonna stop it.......

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Jjb, I know it. I don't think they bowhunt. I'm hoping they'll keep their distance if they know I'm there. That way, I'll at least have peace for the first few days. My guess is that they do most of their hunting early in the season. From what I've heard, they own about 700 acres in the immediate area. So, I'm also hoping they'll decide to hunt elsewhere.

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