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Important Discussions , Political Section


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9 hours ago, First-light said:

I  muted that thread a long time ago or I would of been out of here. JMO

It's a strong subject for pro and anti firearm ownership in New York. Heating debates on this site showed that. 

I want my children, grand children, and their children to have the same right I have been given to own and bear firearms.

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We always have a choice when it comes to subjects that pertain to our gun rights and the legal and political challenges to our second amendment rights. We can discuss and educate each other on the causes of and solutions to those challenges, or we can bury our heads in the sand and remain ignorant, silent and inactive. That section, if used correctly could be a major organizational challenge to the anti-gun and anti-hunting movement.

Yes there have been abuses of that section of this site, but we have the choice as to whether to engage in those abusive discussions or not. But in my mind that section is one of the most potentially important parts of this whole site. It is a shame that we are scared or reluctant to use it the way I'm sure it was intended.

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On 11/12/2023 at 2:52 PM, fasteddie said:

It's available to go to and won't be moved . Since we haven't had any new members in a long time the members here know where that forum is and can access it . It's that simple . I check it a couple times daily .


New York Bans Hunting Contest. How many of you knew this was coming down the pipeline?  Another strong argument for getting the political thread back in the main steam.

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It's funny that thread was posted in the General Chit Chat section, when it is obviously political and would've been moved to the political section in the past by the guy that started the thread.

Hunting is threatened by politics.  Lots of hunters don't want to think about it and prefer to make believe it isn't.

There's an old adage that says, "There are 3 types of people in the world, those that make things happen, those that watch things happen, and those that ask, "What happened?".  A hunter not remaining informed about politics is in the latter position.

I can understand how the political section was isolated from general posts because of people complaining it took up most of their feed, but to me that proves how bad political threats to hunting have become.  I don't think it wise to ignore that.

Like anything else, many folks would rather avoid a fight than defend their rights, and our enemies count on that.

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