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Went out for an evening hunt today.  Didn't see anything.  I only sat in my stand for about 30 to 40 minutes.  There was so much snow on the branches and they were bending down so far visibility was about 30 yards.  Should have brought my bow LOL!!!  Anyways I got down and walked around for a while and stopping every now and then to check things out.  Didn't even scare one up anywhere.  There is quite a few tracks though but none of them seem to be very big.  Seems like a lot of does or small bucks running around at night.  Wish I knew what has happened to the monster I saw during bow season.  I would like to figure out where he's camping for the late muzzleloader season.

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Get to the food sources, thats where they will be. I saw a crap load of deer out this evening on my way home from work. It was still light out and they were all over the fields, particularly the winter wheat and winter rye. Right near my house right now is flooded in the timber bottoms, and the deer are pushed out of there for now, so that may account for them moving a bit more right now.

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How much snow fell up there?

My daughter is driving up to Rochester tomorrow morning. What are the conditions like up there?

Keep an eye on it. Winds have turned out of the north and some time Sunday, some heavy lake effect snows are supposed to be dropping down from Lake Ontario and giving us some accumulations.


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