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Problem -- uploading pics from SD card


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In the past when I put a SD card from a trail cam in the computer all the pics on that card would go into one folder no matter what the date was . Now when I upload , the pics go into numerous folders by date ....... if  pics were taken on 14 different dates , there would now be 14 folders and the only way to get them in one folder is to cut , paste and delete . I must have done something on my desktop windows to cause this but I don't know what it is / was . Any thoughts or are you too busy arguing about hunter orange , shooting hours , etc .. ?   :rofl:

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Put the SD card in and go to explorer (My computer or devices and drivers) and right click on the SD card drive when it shows up, go to properties and see if you have options to pick a default action, something got messed up there, or you just suffering from the clicking syndrome :-) (aka clicking YES to everything that shows up... :-))

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The pictures upload fine ...... however , when I have pics on a card from different dates they open in several folders depending on how many different dates there are . I'll try to stop into Staples this week and talk to one of the geeks to see if they can figure it out . But , thanks for the suggestions .

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The pictures upload fine ...... however , when I have pics on a card from different dates they open in several folders depending on how many different dates there are . I'll try to stop into Staples this week and talk to one of the geeks to see if they can figure it out . But , thanks for the suggestions .


Just ask the nerd posting above you. I think he does computer stuff for a living. LOL.

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Some Photo editing software will auto-load and organize picture for you.


You can easily put the where you want by using Windows Explorer.

  1. click first image you want to copy
  2. Press CTRL + A (selects all the images)
  3. Press CTRL + C (to copy, or if you prefer to move them, CTRL + X for cut)
  4. Go to where you want to the pictures and paste them ( or use CTR + V)

As to the cause, could be camera settings were changed to save images in folders by date, could be your Photo Software settings, could be related to the SD card or Camera index database.


If a SD card has a glitch, it will write new images to a new folder.


If the camera's index of images (how it names them) get full for the DC100 folder, it will create new folder to avoid saving new pictures with the same name.

If you have say img001 already moved to your computer and the camera saves a new picture as img001 and you move that one to same place on your computer, you will lose the first one saved with that name.  That is why the camera keeps track of naming images.


Never remove a SD card with a camera on. Can (and sometimes does) corrupt the card and the images are lost.  Wife did that on 4 GB card.  Spent a couple hours recovering the pictures with recovery software for SD card.   Same goes for those Android tablets, turn it off before removing the SD card.  At least on a PC you can use the Stop and Remove device fro the system tray.

Edited by Two Track
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Just ask the nerd posting above you. I think he does computer stuff for a living. LOL.



Troubleshooting 101:


-Are you using windows explorer or another program? Windows explorer doesnt have an automatic "transfer" option, you have to chose what to do. Easiest way is to open the "removable device/drive" in explorer, and copy (or cut) and paste the files into whatever folder on your PC you want to.


-Also, are you sure they are going into separate folders, or are you using some other type of view that would categorize them by date.

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Easy solution... don't use unnecessary software to transfer files.


I'm on a Mac, but Windows should work the same way. The SD card mounts as an external disk. Simply "open" a window for that disk, select the photos and drag them to the desired location. Doesn't get any easier than that.



And to your other point... I always wear blaze orange while transferring files. However, I admit to working on my computer outside of legal hunting hours. :)

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I stopped at Staples where I had bought my puter . The Geek there didn't know how to change it . The pictures open in a WINDOWS system and going through their help bit ..... it has dated pics going to separate files and won't do anything different . So here is what I do now .....


*place SD card in slot

*Go to THIS PC

*click SD card

*shows DCIM

*100 Media click that and it has a list of pics with dates

*Make a folder and name it

*Highlight the list of pics and move to named folder

*move folder to Documents as there is no choice to allow it to be sent to pics

*Highlight that folder and drag it to the main picture location

Sounds like a lot of work but easier than uploading into several folders and having to open , cut , delete , paste , etc ..


Thanks for the suggestions ...

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Thanks for the responses . In the past I could upload a card and all the pics would go to one folder in Date order . Now when I upload , they go into separate folders unless I do what I posted above . I would sometimes get over a thousand pics in a months time and they would be in one folder . More work now but it does work . I guess ya just gotta do what works for you .

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