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Lee Get Your feet Wet Kit


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3 hours ago, fasteddie said:

Before getting your feet wet in reloading , get a good book ( Lyman , etc ) and read it a couple times . Safety First ! 

Experiment with loads to find out what your rifle likes . 


So True. I have a friend that loads my 300Wby Mag shells for me and he makes them “Hot”   To sit there and watch him and listen what a little bit to much of this or that could do was enough for me not to get to interested in it 

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I look at this little press a couple of different ways. It allows someone who wants to give reloading a try the ability to produce quality ammo at a low price. To load a few rounds for hunting each year it will do the job and be a good hedge against shortages especially for those that have arms chambered for old and obsolete cartridges. I would not recommend it for someone that wants to load in quantity and does a lot of shooting.

This type of loader can also be used right at the range when building and testing loads. Lyman made a small plier's style hand press for many years that was used in that fashion.

I just got a flier in the mail from a vendor that sells reloading equipment, like everything else these days the prices are getting pretty high.


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I like it, but as others have mentioned it's not ideal if your not strong enough to use it.

My father had a press, but it was for loading 41 magnum and 38 spcl.

I started loading rifle using a Lee Loader kit.

Lee Loader

All you need is a mallet to use it.

I paid nine dollars for my 30-06 kit in 1980 after buying my first 06 deer rifle.

I progressed to a bench mounted press after getting into woodchuck hunting and target shooting, but the 45 year old Lee loader kit sit's on the shelf ready to load. 

Paid eleven dollars for the 12ga loader kit thats sitting next to the 06 kit.


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A buddy of mine used a simple Lee Loader to put up 22-250 cartridges, he shot them out of a Remington 788, the economy bolt action and he was printing groups well under an inch.

I have a Lee loader for 20 ga that I use to put up non toxic shot shells, I wanted to get one for 410 but they do not make them any more, the used ones are going for insane prices on ebay, $200 not uncommon. I ended up buying a used 410 conversion kit for my mec.



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I just checked out the 410 Lee Loaders on ebay and the prices have gone up, they average over $250, pretty good profit for something that sold for $10

Heck I can shop around and buy a used Mec for that kind of money!



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