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scouting rifles


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What due you carry, when you plan on covering

A lot of ground in a day.

I have a CVA scout in ss. 243 composition stock.

Very light .

And I carry a sporterized Arisaka 99. In 7.7+58

With peep sites. This has really been chopped

Down . It's nice to carry, but you only want to shoot it once.

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I don't have any REALLY light centerfire rifles...


I carry the same Rem M700 Mountain Rifle in 7mm08 that I use for most of my whitetail hunting..It has a Burris 2x7x33 on it.


All my milsurps are as issue, so they tend to be on the heavy side.


I'll bet that chopped down Jap would kick, especially if it still has the steel buttplate.

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For the past several years I have been using the same rifle for stand and still hunting. Ruger M77 wood stock in .7mm-08. I wouldn't consider it light weight but its not bad. When I hunt near my house, its shotgun only so I use my old Winchester 1300 topped with a 1 1/2- 4 1/2 x32. Thats actually a fairly light gun.

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That is the original stock cut down with 3 pieces of walnut, or some dark wood laminated into it. They did a great job. I didn't have it done. .

A old hunting buddy of mine& my wife had it.

When he passed away I bought it from his wife.

Were he picked it up I don't know, he wasn't into old military guns.

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Great topic.


I carry my puma/rossi /92 lever gun in 454 casull loaded with 45 LC cartridges.  16" barrel and stainless steel.  Weighs about 5 3/4 lbs.  It has a fiber optic front sight and a peep rear sight (I take out the aperture and go "ghost ring") very, very fast acquisition.


It fits me well and I can hit with it quickly.  


Now if only I can find a way to tone down the stainless steel, way too bright!!

Edited by Jaeger
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Maybe I'm not quite understanding the question.  By scouting, I'm thinking scouting for deer season?  I do my scouting pre-season (no rifle since hunting season isn't open yet) or during squirrel season which I'll carry either my Ruger 20/22 (sporterized) or a H&R single shot 12 gauge with modified choke depending on the area.

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I really like some of the tastefully done alterations, like yours...


When I hunted moose in Newfoundland one of our party ( a Canadian)  used a very nice sporterized  #4 SMLE.. It was one of the nicest ones I've seen, unlike the crude, chopped up abortions they used to sell for $10 as "sporters"  back in the 50's and 60's...He killed the biggest bull of the trip with it.


Shortly before I retired I was working with a young fellow who was an amateur gunsmith...He was building very nice full stock sporters from Yugo 48s and 48As.. I wish I had   him make me one...

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Thanks for the post's everyone.

Elmo that's a great time for preseason scouting. But I am talking about a day when you've been hunting and comeing up empty. You don't see anything moving.

When that happens I leave my tree stand and go looking maybe you haven't herd a shot all week by your area. That's when I leave the 98 Mauser home

And take the 243 or the 7.7+58 and cover all the woods I can poking around to find out what happend to the deer . Sometimes I find them.

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Depends, in summer I carry a .22 lever action winchester rifle, fall I carry a m1 carbine that is chambered in 9mm. If I'm checking cameras,or a .22 hand gun checking traps., if grouse is in season I carry a single 12 GA h&r . Deer season my 45/70 govmarlin guide gun., after season either the 12 ga,till end of feb or m1 carbine till end of coyote season.

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