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So having moved cams around...


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Really? Did I, for not only my camp and the one place I mentioned... I have also picked up another...thus the words "owners and One owner"..... and having moved cams around the other day...but hey so I thought him to be a particular pretty buck that managed to give a great picture some might like to see..my bad won't happen again...

Why have anything worth viewing than all the bickering ,accusations and nastiness toward each other, how foolish of me my bad...

I was only joking about the apple pile comment, I was referring to last year or maybe the year before when that guy came on with the picture of the huge buck standing over the pile of apples and everyone went crazy on him.
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LOL easy Grow, im just pointing out to you that since the other hunters on this piece are members and you dont want them to know of this deer or worried about your cam you may be safer to not post it. When you point out the owners dont hunt, takes care of 2 homes and an apartment, is away a lot etc..... Doesnt seemed far fetched that the other members hunting this piece know all that too. Just saying, if your worried you may have just let them know.

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More than one parcel and owner...  I wouldn't usually worry because these are good ppl and I would think them letting the others hunt all these years they would be good ppl too.. but...both places revealed many many long neck and shorty beer bottles where I also found shell casings..So now I have to temper my thoughts on that...I prefer to temper my optimism with reality  and error on the side of caution...But that is a pretty Buck and gave the cam one of the best pics I've ever gotten in day light so I thought I'd figure out a way to share...


I will out of respect for the guys try to limit pressure and rotate my 2wks between those two and our camp...hopefully put a tag on something early...but if I don't.... I already told the one owner I would sign my 8M doe tag over to the gun guys...I won't need it after the 15th

Edited by growalot
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Really? Did I, for not only my camp and the one place I mentioned... I have also picked up another...thus the words "owners and One owner"..... and having moved cams around the other day...but hey so I thought him to be a particular pretty buck that managed to give a great picture some might like to see..my bad won't happen again...

Why have anything worth viewing than all the bickering ,accusations and nastiness toward each other, how foolish of me my bad...

Cause sadly that's what this site has turned into, a bunch of winy, sensitive , bitchy , d"@?'s

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Ya...hunting a piece I've never been on  and he's on the one I've only walked once...I'd shoot too...problem is my cams are deer blk holes...once in the horizon they disappear into darkness never to be seen by me again...once in a while a brother or Daddy show up ..but usually later...lol




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