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A Robert Moses Deer in the paper.

Geno C

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thought i would share this, my buddy had this news paper clipping so i took a picture of it. Kind of scary tho if you think about it. i wouldn't let my daughter near this deer. but in the same breath its a neat photo none the less...


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I love robert moses. I live 30 miles form there. The deer are fed a lot by the people there, so they look for handouts.

yeah alot of people feed them so they are kind of used to people. i thought you lived more upstate bubba?

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was at Hecksher park a few years back saw a father give his daughter some carrets to feed a fawn told him not to but the dad new better well the momma deer saw this and attacked the kid she got a kick in the face cut it opened and they had to call an Ambulances for her "FATHER KNOW BEST"


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Sure is.  The park is on Fire island and the island has a ton of deer.  It's kind of funny to see deer running thru the sand.  I once saw a small fawn take refuge in the ocean after a fox was chasing it.  It was up to it's neck in the water.  I have some video I once took of about 10 huge bucks together there.  I wish I can figure out a way to download that from my old Hi8 video format.  The video would freak some out, that is for sure!

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So they just run down the beach? WTF? haha that would be a sight for some of us hunters I bet. I have no doubt that some dummie has tried to hunt them there too, well that is if its not permitted there..if it is I'll be sure to bring my suit and have the kids burry me in the sand so I can wait for a real monster to come by.  ;)

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They run around everywhere there.  I don't think the park allows hunting, but I think on other parts of Fire island they might.  I could see burying yourself with bow in hand as a good hunting tactic there.  I think a deer would be stunned enough momentarily while you lift yourself out of the sand for you to get off a good shot at it! :)  I can't imagine dragging one out thru the sand would be fun either.  Luckily they don't grow too big in body size over on the Island.

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