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Seperate game commision from dec?


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As a sportsman i wonder why we allow our elected officials to control out game and game laws? We don't even have a hunting season next year unless they vote to allow it! Yes it seems like we have one every year but it is not a given! Why not let our fees pay for that which we love our wild game and fish! Stop fighting over crossbows, phesant farms,fish hatcherys and seasons that are not given anyway and instead try to get out of this financal trouble the state is putting us in and create a seperate game commission! Funded by our lience fees and the robertson pittman act. I am sick of writing to my elected officals who tell me there is no money as everthing seems to get swollowed by the general fund and gets sucked downstate!!

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I am with you guys. I guess we have a hunting season because they don't want to lose the revenue. If the liberals had their way they would vote to take away out hunting heritage. We have to stick together the more noise we make the better off we will be. This is my first real post. thanks guys.


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Why has this happened you ask? The sportsmen do or did not show up when they were needed to change the laws regulations over the last 30 odd years.

There use to be a separate game commission. 

The DEC and government divides us over the very issues posted and discussed on this forum every day. Individuals believe they can win an argument by holding onto their individualism. This is a learned value much like the high morals we see ranted about so often on forums.

People have been conditioned to this way of politics.  It’s the “you can’t tell me how to do it”. We’ve done that before. When is actuality they never did do it before?

This is one reason sportsmen have a 1,000 different associations to belong to. Each one caters to a specific set of ideals.

This is why the greenies and antis kick our ass. They are not afraid to sue the states or feds when the law or regulations are not followed. Sportsmen on the other hand always try to work the big deal. It’s an ego trip.

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bpb...I agree. the greenies and antis have a common goal....stop hunting. yet the various groups on our side are divided up to promote the individual flavor of the day for them. We ar enot a united front and since our numbers are heading down and we are not the majority...it is an uphill battle. Unfortunately since elections are vastly determined by the downstate population that is mainly liberal it will be very hard to get them to turn over control of a single dollar. I would love to see it and support it. I have no problem with the fees we pay...still a bargain for the enjoyment I get out of the sports..I would just prefer it went back into the continuation of that same sport...not a wefare check for some.

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Do you really think they could ever not have a hunting season?  Really ? with all the life time hunting licenses sold what kind of legal s--t storm do you think skipping even 1 season would rain down on Albany?..and do you think  in that event...... organizations across the country wouldn't hop in?...Do think that NYS could ever handle the financial whiplash that would occur should that happen?..Hell they can't get a Cabelas in the this state..what do you think BP and GMNT would do?  We are talking $$$$...now the green means can puff and make things inconvenient for hunters but even they know they can't beat the almighty $$$$

Not to say we shouldn't be ever vigilant in our pursuit of a better system

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Its hard enough to get ONE entity to be responsive to outdoor enthusiasts concerns, never mind 2..

I do agree we will always have SOME type of seasons, the addiciton to the cash generated from liscense & hunting purchases is way too strong for Albany to stop..

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