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Birddogs and age?

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Me and a couple friends always had bird dogs, back in the day. I haven't hunted birds in quite some time. But when I was  20, and up until I was almost 40 my friends and I all had labs. They were flushing dogs, but one of my labs would occasionally point.

Great Sport

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I'm 28 and have an 18 month old german shorthaired pointer that I have been training and hunting with. My breeder has given me a lot of great advice and in the spring/summer months, I go to her house every 1-2 months and we do some training together. My dog has her NAVHDA Natural Ability Prize 1 and she also has her AKC Jr Hunter Title (hunt tests)


**Photo Credit: The picture with the ribbons was taken by my breeder, Judy Zeigler, on the day Daisy went 4 for 4 at the double hunt test we attended.



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It's not exactly a young mans hobby to get in to sometimes. It takes a devotion of time and money and a lot of younger guys don't have either of those.

Reminds me of when I was bird hunting. We would often run into to older guys. They were in their mid 70's. We would always stop and talk with them for a few minutes. They had been bird hunting together since they were kids and tagged along with their fathers, who also hunted together. They hunted with Springers, and both used real old, double barrels. They always got birds. Im sure they're gone now

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Now that you got me thinking about it 16 Ga Hunter, I rarely have anyone my age or younger that want to go with me very often, if at all. Most are a 1 or 2 trip kind of person. The only guys that I know of that would be willing to go a lot with me are my uncle who is in his mid-late 60's and a teammate on my archery league who is 46.

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I got my pup from Crystal Kennels in the Watkins Glenn area. I have her pedigree but very unfamiliar with certain "lines". I'm part of a "Hunting GSP's" group on facebook and they talk about lines a lot but i'm out of the loop when it comes to that

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I guess it has more to do with it being a way of life. Growing up all men in my family owned flushing dogs no matter how old or young they were. If you were old enough to hunt you had a dog. The only exception was my uncle who married into the family had setters and springers that he always ran together. I know bird numbers are not what they were but I still see enough grouse and woodcock have been excellent these last few years. I guess I will continue to do my part by inviting others on an outing.

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