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Helped out a young girl who wants to hunt turkey


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A lady friend of mine called to say hello.  She likes to fish and I had a book on fishing for all the game fish in North America I wanted her to have.  As we talked, she said her daughter is going on the youth turkey hunt with some other friends.  It will be her first time hunting.  She said they have lots of turkey on their land and usually do well.  Mom bought her daughter a nice Mossberg 500 youth model in 20 gauge with screw in chokes to use.  She got the turkey choke and 3" #5's for her too.


As we talked, I asked if the girl has a sling.  She did not.  I told her to stop over and pick up the book and I'd give her one of the many extra slings I have that never gets used.  I then started to find lots I stuff I never use anymore.  Insulated camo coveralls, non-insulated camo coveralls, (both too small for me for years now) camo hat, neckerchief, face mask, license holder, gloves, seat cushion, belt, turkey call, hoodie, olive drab wool sweater, some netting, hand muff I used to use to bowhunt, a bore snake, and anything else I felt she might need to get started.  


I also scrounged up two good compact folding knives, some Cutters insect repellent and some bug bite relief spray.  They came over yesterday evening and I gave them all this stuff.  And since she plans to hunt deer too, I gave her 10 rounds of Winchester 20 gauge slugs to see how it shoots them later in the year.  I also gave her a few rounds of 2 3/4" #3 Buckshot to have available if she ever needed to defend herself when home alone.  (They live in a very rural area).  We talked for awhile about hunting turkey, shooting guns and buying equipment.  I answered a lot of her questions.  I told her to call or e-mail anytime if she felt I could help her out.  I like to do whatever I can to get new hunters started in the sport, every chance I get.  She said she's going to call me about adding weight to the stock to cut recoil and adding some sights to the vent rib for slug shooting.


I wished her good luck when they left.  I hope she bags a nice one.  Mom said they would invite me for the turkey dinner.


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I always try to help out the ladies too.

I once asked Miranda Lambert if she'd like to hunt turkeys with me, and she said she'd love to but she had to wash her hair that day.

Then I asked her if she'd like to go out to dinner and she said she'd love to but she never dates guys who are shorter than she is.

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