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Hunter Etiquette


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The private property that I normally hunt just doesn't have the birds on it so I been hitting some public land.  If I get to one of these spots and there is another car there, I move on.  In two days I've had three different vehicles drive up and park next to my truck then get out and call.  What would they have done if they heard a gobble?  Run in the middle of my set?  Turkey hunting is dangerous enough.  Use your heads and be safe out there!     

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How big a piece of state land is it?I know when I go into the state lands I hunt I could walk and not hunt the same spot for the day for sure.I have gotten out of the truck went into the woods for a few hundred yards and gotten a gobbler to shock gobble and went after him.With only a few areas to park in one of my favorite spots I have no clue where other hunters are for sure.I do my best to use bins to glass a bird to see if its on decoys or not.One thing I won't do is stalk one on public ground.I try and get close(100-150 away depending on terrain) and call the bird in.

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Id say setup within eye view of your vehicle. Wait for some dingle berry to pull up and hop out, make a couple calls to get him excited wait till he commits to the woods and send a turkey load down the pipe (not in his direction of course) that should make him skip a beat or two and think twice about that approach again. 

Edited by zag
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Id say setup within eye view of your vehicle. Wit for some dingle berry to pull up and hope out, make a couple calls to get him excited wait till he commits to the woods and send a turkey load down the pipe (not in his direction of course) that should make him skip a beat or two and think trice about that approach again. 

That's just a stupid way to handle it! I hope you were being facetious. Even if you shoot away from them you never know who else in the woods.



Edited by ....rob
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