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15 minutes ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Simple fact, she is the lesser of two evils, nothing more, nothing less

Thats why i might not even cast a vote.  If hitler and mussolini were candidates we would have to vote for one.   No thanks.  Ill send my vote to a candidate i support or cast a vote for nobody.  

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By doing so you throw away your vote by having no impact.  You actually help one of the other two main candidates.  The best thing you can do is vote for the one that has the most positive points as far as you're concerned, and also vote for Congressional candidates that will work to keep the winner in line with the people's wishes.

We are not like Germany and Italy, where a dictatorship is possible, because we have Rule of Law defined by the US Constitution, as long as our representatives do their job and enforce it, which sadly, has not been the case the last 4 years or more.

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4 hours ago, diplomat019 said:

Thats why i might not even cast a vote.  If hitler and mussolini were candidates we would have to vote for one.   No thanks.  Ill send my vote to a candidate i support or cast a vote for nobody.  

If in fact they are equally POS's, I ask you to consider one this that may set them apart. Who will end up sitting on the Supreme Court if either one gets in. That is what is governing my vote. 

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17 minutes ago, Culvercreek hunt club said:

If in fact they are equally POS's, I ask you to consider one this that may set them apart. Who will end up sitting on the Supreme Court if either one gets in. That is what is governing my vote. 

I just hate the idea of having to vote for the lesser of two evils.   I want to be able to vote for somebody I align myself with.  Voting for trump because I dislike him a little bit less than hillary isn't too appetizing for me.  Im sure I'm not the only one who feels like this.

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15 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

I just hate the idea of having to vote for the lesser of two evils.   I want to be able to vote for somebody I align myself with.  Voting for trump because I dislike him a little bit less than hillary isn't too appetizing for me.  Im sure I'm not the only one who feels like this.

He wasn't even close to my first choice and didn't get my primary vote but if he just did two things he said, nominate SCOTUS from his list and repeal the executive orders from Obama, I would be a happy camper. After that I really don't care if the government is in total gridlock. As far as I am concerned if they can't pass a law they can't further screw things up. 

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10 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

I just hate the idea of having to vote for the lesser of two evils.   I want to be able to vote for somebody I align myself with.  Voting for trump because I dislike him a little bit less than hillary isn't too appetizing for me.  Im sure I'm not the only one who feels like this.

Consider the fact that one is impeachable before getting elected. I could live with 4yrs of a what if, rather than 20-30 yrs of SCOTUS liberal rule. Your never going to be 100% for a Politian at least that's how I see it. I think Trump will try to get things done not like the last 8yrs. Now even if it gets a little better and he puts Conservative's on the supreme court, I'll take it.

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5 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Simple fact, she is the lesser of two evils, nothing more, nothing less

I just think Trump is the lesser, and as time goes on I think it even more so. I think he is so roundly hated that the chance he can get much done in washington at all wanes with every week. As such, he is a perfect block against hillary. Just there long enough to crater, once and for all, her hopes of being potus. 

As for not voting at all, well we're in new york and this state is so blue that the electoral system has ensured your vote is essentially meaningless anyway. The only reason to vote in this state, with its 100% chance of supporting hillary is, basically just as a conscientious objector or to brag later that you supported the winning candidate. It won't make a lick of difference either way because the margin is too huge.

SCOTUS alone is by far the biggest reason I HATE the notion of a hillary presidency.

Given that I strongly believe Trump is going to lose and trump primary voters screwed us, i'm considering donating money to judicial watch, the group most responsible in recent times for truly turning the screws on hillary. If nothing else she abhors their existence, and it is tax deductible :)

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21 minutes ago, diplomat019 said:

I just hate the idea of having to vote for the lesser of two evils.   I want to be able to vote for somebody I align myself with.  Voting for trump because I dislike him a little bit less than hillary isn't too appetizing for me.  Im sure I'm not the only one who feels like this.

Clinton and the DNC are currently looking for ways to restrict the 1st Amendment by claiming that Breitbart News is not a 'legitimate' news source and therefore should be silenced. Clinton would very much like to have only favorable press, which she absolutely gets from the MSM, and to he!! with those who disagree. If she should become President she will change the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the American way of life through her judicial appointments and other actions.

This is not about choosing the lesser of two evils. This is about preventing an anti-American from getting a seat in the White House, to continue the anti-American sentiments of the last 7 1/2 years. A protest vote, or a non-vote, won't accomplish this. Please reconsider the gravity of this situation before you reject Trump simply because you don't like him. There's too much at stake to make 'personality' a major issue.

I wouldn't so readily dismiss NYS in this particular election either. From what I've seen there seems to be a good deal of Trump support among the working class urbanites. If he can swing 25% or so, he has a real shot at it if the rest of the state gets out to vote. Sitting home on November 8 won't help.

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Unfortunately I think the state is like 17% gap between trump and hillary.

As for the 1st amendment, 40% of millennials support restrictions on speech that offends minorities. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/11/20/40-of-millennials-ok-with-limiting-speech-offensive-to-minorities/ At that point you might as well ban speech that any group or person find "offensive", at which point you've completely made irrelevant the first amendment. And there is not a single country in the world worth a cold pile of scat that doesn't have freedom of speech. It is the absolute foundation to any decent society.

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14 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Simple fact, she is the lesser of two evils, nothing more, nothing less

So basically you have no idea why you are a liberal?  I think you meant opinion not fact.  It always baffles me why Liberals throw the word fact around and think that makes there comments credible.  So I will ask you other questions Im sure you will dodge as well, but please tell me how Hillary is less evil than Trump.  I havent heard how Trump has a trail of death left in his path, I havent heard how he launders money from some of the most dangerous people in this country through Canada to avoid taxes,line his pockets and calls it a Foundation, I havent heard about him deleting mass government emails to cover his arse, How many rapist did he get off and boast and laugh about it?  Did he steal more stuff from the whitehouse than Hillary to topple her evilness?  I was also unaware that he shares the same political stance as Hillary and one of the worlds biggest psychopaths named HItler, I know you call him little Hitler so it must be a fact. I had no idea having a motor mouth, being a self made millionare and having suits made overseas is so much more evil than the Clintons.  How exactly is she not more evil again I forgot what you said in your answer? 

Edited by wdswtr
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