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She said yes!!!!!


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With a new bow properly tuned with archery experience no reason why you couldn't IMO doesn't take long to gain confidence with a piece of equipment...maybe not to same ranges you can after months of shooting but it can be done....wish you luck....hope to see some pics of the new rig when you get it

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lol thanks I'm sure I'll be able to, I've hunted with jmp for a long time and he was just breaking my balls

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On ‎9‎/‎24‎/‎2016 at 5:14 PM, regulat0r said:

ok...ill go ahead an be the jerk and say it...what kind of man requests "permission" to purchase anything? first off, i am married so before anybody tries to slam me, know that i have a wife, son, mortgage, bills etc. just like anybody else. I always sensed that people on this site were traditional/old school type of guys. im not saying that my wife is any less than me but if she told me I was "allowed" to purchase something, i would laugh. ive been out with some buddies before and heard them call their wife and ask if they can take money out of the atm. it makes me cringe. you're a man, you make you're own money. act like it...

let the retaliation begin

Happy Wife Happy Life !

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On September 24, 2016 at 5:14 PM, regulat0r said:

ok...ill go ahead an be the jerk and say it...what kind of man requests "permission" to purchase anything? first off, i am married so before anybody tries to slam me, know that i have a wife, son, mortgage, bills etc. just like anybody else. I always sensed that people on this site were traditional/old school type of guys. im not saying that my wife is any less than me but if she told me I was "allowed" to purchase something, i would laugh. ive been out with some buddies before and heard them call their wife and ask if they can take money out of the atm. it makes me cringe. you're a man, you make you're own money. act like it...

let the retaliation begin

Sounds like you got the perfect situation! 

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Yup..In this house if i burn a grand on something i give her a grand to burn on something for herself. only fair really.
It works that way most times but i did just drop 32 big ones on a new Deere so i hope she does not look for her equal part on that one!

I learned last year I do the same thing. I learned it when I spent over a grand on hunting equipment and then we "needed" new furniture. Which cost a lot more than the hunting gear.

So that new bow you like for $500 might cost you $2k when all is said and done!
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Awesome bow and congrats!

My wife and I are coming up on our 10year anniversary and have been together for 15 when we were young and broke we had joint checking accounts and fought about it constantly luckily we learned quickly that we weren't meant to have joint checking accounts. Now we both have good jobs and are financially doing very well for a 30year old married couple. As long as I put X amount into savings and investments monthly she really doesn't care what I do with my blow money. I don't really ask permission but I still run purchases buy her.

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Just curious to all the guys who discuss the new bow purchase with their wife's. What if she says NO ?
Do you fold like a cheap card table or buy it anyway ?

Why you do the same thing she does when she wants new flooring. Press it. It might even take you a year or two but eventually you can wear the other party down :)
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Congrats on the new rig. I had a Mathews blow up on me day before season started couple years back. I went and bought a new bow, thankfully I got comfortable right away so it all worked out.

As far as the marriage tangent / hi jack, I will say this... I too am " old school " and to me old school would know to stay out of other people's business.... Especially on a huge forum.

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Why you do the same thing she does when she wants new flooring. Press it. It might even take you a year or two but eventually you can wear the other party down default_smile3.gif

You do what I do: keep your head down, your pie hole shut, and put the damned floor in. dbc035f1bb0198a3e0fd1b93fa3b6230.jpg

And then you can buy an Elite Victory 37 with a clear Conscience

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3 hours ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

You do what I do: keep your head down, your pie hole shut, and put the damned floor in. dbc035f1bb0198a3e0fd1b93fa3b6230.jpg

And then you can buy an Elite Victory 37 with a clear Conscience

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk55888d3ceb5687bafa1164eebbe0d2fa.jpg

Looks nice. Was me last year. Fought it for a few years but finally lost. And the money we saved by me laying an entire level of the house in flooring with dozens and dozens of cuts around all the corners and hallway and then installing fresh molding along the bottom just found its way into new furniture anyway. :(

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Enjoy your new bow !

Whatever works for folks, my wife and I have seperate acts. Checking , savings , of course 401k's and other investments. We generally don't ask permission , she wants to go to Vegas with friends she does, I want to go hunt out West with my buddies I do.

Now when I bought a Rolex off a guy in California via a watch forum she was mildly pissed for a few minutes, but when you're the trophy husband like I am one can push the boundaries !!

Edited by Larry302
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