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HindSight bow sights - Anyone have one?

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Every year it is getting harder to bow hunt with my trifocal corrected vision.

Almost impossible to focus on the peep, sights and target at different distances.

Saw this Hindsight add-on and it looked interesting. Thought I might try one.


Any one have one? Any input?

Also see there are magnified peeps and 2x lenses for the sight frames.

So apparently I'm not the only bowhunter struggling with poor, corrected vision.

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I've been using the Hind Sight for four years with great results. Previously I had trouble lining up my eye with a peep during low light and odd, twisted positions in a stand. The Hind Sight has worked very well for me. It also negates any hand torque that you might unknowingly input. It has proven to  be strong and stable even after some falls and spills. There is a small learning curve to sight in but not overly difficult. I'm happy with mine. If you can afford it ,give one a try.

Don't put any sight magnifying device on your bow. They're illegal for hunting in N.Y..

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"Don't put any sight magnifying device on your bow. They're illegal for hunting in N.Y.."

        I think that they are legal actually, of course I can't find it any where.    And thanks for the info, have you seen the IQ sight, its kinda in the same vein of stopping hand torque. Pretty neat idea.

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  I have used the hind sight about 4 years now & love it . I wear bi-focals & it works well, either my sight pin are blurred or the target but with the hind sight once every thing is set correct it all seems to work for me, not sure why. Also it glows nice in low light. 

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Good point SOB, I use a 5/16 sized peep which is the biggest I could find and that has helped me alot along with smaller sized pins. I figured if there were going to blur up at least the blur would be smaller.

I think a light bulb just went off, I couldn't figure out how the hindsight worked and then it popped into my head finally.  :)

"I see said the blind man.."

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I bought it 2 years ago and love it.  I wear glasses for astigmatism and had a hard time with peep sights in low light and for consistent shooting in general.  Once it was installed and lined up my accuracy improved greatly.  Like someone else said,  it virtually eliminates torque.  When I draw now its automatic on pin- no trying to line up eye with peep with sight. highly recommend!!!

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there is another producet called the anchor site that  i might give a try

Checked out the video on the Anchor Sight.

Looks like you need to focus on two seperate objects when using this.

Anchor sight sets your anchor point & form, while the sight pins are still aligned on the target.

Think I'll try the Hindsight where you only align the X'hairs with your sight pins.

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