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Big Indian

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7 minutes ago, Elmo said:

They're giving 2 per year at my place but capping it at 14 weeks.  So that means the person that's been here for 40 years will get the same amount as someone who's only been here 7 years.

But they are both getting 14 weeks more than they are owed. Just for perspective. 

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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28 minutes ago, Moho81 said:

I personally hate the thought of having a new job every 3-5 years. While I may not absolutely love coming into work every day I am here on time for at least my 40 hours a week and I will do whatever is required to finish jobs and get them out the door even if they are not my jobs. In return I have a lot of leeway on things like right now being on the internet responding to a hunting forum post lol. 

I know! Every year or so I'm like "Oh hell I'm just done with this". Basically I am sick of the maintenance stuff I do at work; I only enjoy working on new projects. But then I step back and realize I am legitimately needed. If I join a new company it could take a long time before I really matter. I won't lose my job unless I surf nudey sites at work. Strong company, singularly responsible for several important systems at a not-outrageous pay rate. Very stable, but it does also breed some lethargy as well.

Some of y'all may enjoy this: I applied for a job at Paychex recently and HR actually sent me something for a "virtual interview". Basically it involves a warm body at HR who doesn't know what he's looking at when he sees my resume, so to click through on his productivity numbers he refers my name/email to a third party that they work with. This third party then conducts a virtual interview, which consists of me being asked by a computer, remotely, several questions and I then answer them into a webcam. This company then owns video of me (there is no other on the entire internet), and I don't even know if Paychex even has a position--because like I said, just a warm body at HR clicking things. Also, this third party has an algorithm that can apparently rate people without even having to watch the video, thus grading me without even having some bored HR person watch the vid.

Anyway I thought it was interesting because it reflects very badly on a very well rated company. I did not take the interview and did not get back to HR @ Paychex and do not intend on applying for another job there, either. I am at a senior level and don't really want to waste my time with shenanigans like that. I would if I was out of work (maybe), but if they think people are going to leave decent jobs to jump through stupid hoops like a dog at a circus they may leave a bad taste in some people's mouths.

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6 hours ago, Big Indian said:

So after 28 years with cablevision ( Long Island), my wife received a request to " retire voluntarily" . Hundreds of others did too, thanks to the new owners who hail from France and no longer view loyalty and longevity a quality they want in their employees. They want young people whom they don't have to pay the top dollar to ( not that my wife was doing 6 figures, but still made decent $) The biggest bonus was the medical/dental/vision which was top notch and very inexpensive. 

On a positive note she's being given 3 weeks for every year of service which adds up to 84 weeks, and it will give her time to find a new job, but at the age of 50 it won't be that easy. If your age and years to the company> 70 you have a choice to take it or not to but if u don't they can't guarantee you'll keep you job, so, in other words take it....

I now have to get insurance thru my company which is +/- 150 employees and will cost me a good chunk of my check, but have no choice. 

She will work thru the end of Feb, but F -you to the new owners for putting a damper on the Christmas spirit and doing this to all the faithful employees who worked there for the better part of their lives.

In any case, I hope everyone here has a merry Christmas, happy healthy new year, happy Hanukkah or whatever you celebrate with family and loved ones be safe and enjoy

I hope 2017 continues to bring everyone outdoors to continue to hunt fish and enjoy themselves


Tell your wife     "   www.usajobs.gov " !

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13 hours ago, Uptown Redneck said:

Isn't it ironic how the conservative principles some hold as Gospel, in this case free market economic practices, turn around and bite their supporters in the a##? 

Far better to rely on a government commune to take care of you, isn't it comrade?

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