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Hey rocket, here is a freebie you can use.  "God made pot, man made beer, who do you trust?"  I personally do not condone illegal  practices, to include drining and driving.  But I saw that on a bumper sticker once on a truck wrapped around a tree, back when I was an active ems volunteer. The guy dropped his bowl, bent down to pick it up and a tree jumped out on front of him.  Oh btw, he died, and his passenger is a parapalegic. 

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You don't need to give me some potheads propaganda website to prove me wrong.  I can prove my point easily.  Look at Mexico.  30,000 people killed in a drug war that is dominated by marijuana.  Supply and demand.  If people weren't smoking weed then a valid argument could be made that those 30,000 people would still be alive.  So in that sense, yes, weed has killed plenty of people.

I could go on, but do I really need to?

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Hey whitey, i gotta ask..thought of this last night..if  the mexican cartel is killin people over pot..what tools do you suppose they are using to kill..perhaps we should try to rid the world of those tools ;)

OK, Pat I'll indulge you.  They are killing people with guns, knives, vehicles, poisons, explosives, and about everything else you can think of.  Everyday they are dismembering people, skinning out their faces etc.....  All in the name of weed, coke, heroin, etc..... The people are killing people not the weapons.  They are just the tool used.

This violence has spilled over to the US several times.  There was a beheading in Phoenix last year.  Brian Terry was killed by Mexican Cartel members in December just south of Tucson.  The marijuana industry finances very bad things.  I could list you example after example.

The only point that I am trying to make is that weed has killed plenty of people.  Maybe not directly, but indirectly.

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So did booze during prohibition.  The ban on booze made Al Capone the man he was.  And let's not forget how Joe Kennedy got rich.  Booze will still kill you if you drink too much of it, but now your death is self inflicted, not forced upon you because of huge profits.

It's not the pot that is causing the problem, it's the amount of profit that anyone can make with it.  If something is illegal and in high demand, you will have a black market for it.  If the profits are high enough you will have a struggle for power and killing.

If you look at gun bans, you will see the same black market starting up.  That's why there are straw buyers and gun runners.  You can never stop crime by making any inanimate object illegal.  You stop it by prosecuting people who commit crimes that are worth stopping and prosecuting.

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  They are killing people with guns, knives, vehicles, poisons, explosives, and about everything else you can think of.  Everyday they are dismembering people, skinning out their faces etc.....  All in the name of weed, coke, heroin, etc....


All in the name of money.

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First and foremost..i thank you for starting the thread where you did..it doesnt show where i was suggested to be a marijuana smoker...ill grow a set and say  i havnt smoked pot in 7 yrs...but at one time in my life i was a regular smoker..however i became a drunk..far worse in my opinion.

This country is in economic shambles..its not the answer to legalize..but it could help..this you cant deny..

Society is what looks down on it..go to the society of amsterdam..canada..its just like cigaretts..another fine drug if i do say so..mexico is a political war..and the longer the president stays..the more the cartel is gonna do shit like that..tim macvay was a war veteran..should i hate the armed forces? It just so happens the cartel involves drugs... so when heads are getting popped off..of course yer gonna go after what supplies their cause..us legalizing may just help mexico in that de

mand would go up there..

I also saw on the news that if taxed the pot grown in cali was estimated to be in the billions..thats only the upper half of the state..thats enough to make an eyebrow go up..

So go throw some plants in the food plot..from what i hear..deer love it ;)

Btw: your president is a supporter for legalization

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I would rather deal with a stoner than a drunk any day of the week.  When I was a kid I didn't even try weed for fear of getting caught and then the consequences from my old man.  After school I took the job I am in now so I have never had the desire or temptation.  I'm not a smoker or drinker either, but I am hooked on Mt. Dew.  I just can't seem to get off the Dew.

My idea for legalization is this.  The government grows marijuana in their own greenhouses, package it in their own factories, and sell it in their own stores at a price that would make a black market nonexistant.  Of course you would have to make harsh penalties for possession of non-government weed.  The government would get all the profit but we would have thousands of more jobs, our taxes would go down, the national debt would be wiped out in a few years and the hard working people who like to toke up after work or on weekends wouldn't be breaking the law. 

Arrowflinger is correct, the violence is in the name of money.  The narcs. that I mentioned are the source of their money and without the demand for them there wouldn't be any money.

I could care less if people smoke weed, I was simply disagreeing with a statement that a bottle of alcohol can kill people but smoking weed has never killed anyone. 


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I should apologize for starting the weed thing.. but I'm sorry Rocket some of the things that have come out of your mouth remind me of my college years and the nonsensical things that came out of the mouths of all the stoned students.. I can relate to that,, it scares me more that you were not under the influence for some of your posts ;)

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