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The Yard Pond


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Since I repaired the raven damage to the Browning, I put that out by the pond for a test. Here are some more pond photos, including a great shot of kingfisher that was time just right. The delay must have worked out just right this time. It just left the water. Notice the fat-head minnow in its beak. I know the minnow species because that is the only fish in the pond.


Common mergs


A popular lady.


Moody woody shot.


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The pond is about 25 X 100 feet. It is less than 100 feet from the house, however, there is a heavy screen of willows on the house side. From inside, we can only see 10 or 15% of the water area. There is a duck box but the wood ducks never use it. Hooded mergansers have. There are a number of small ponds in the neighborhood, and a beautiful wetland a half mile away. Ducks and geese are always moving around, going from pond to pond.

Food is the major attraction. There is a lot of food for dabblers and fish eaters alike, emergent vegetation - that isn't up yet - and thousands of minnows and tadpoles.     

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Here is a Google Earth view so you can see the size of the pond. The barn is 26' X 44' without the shed. The birds don't seem to mind the sheep. You can see the screen of willows. The camera is at the inside elbow. You can see the logs. That's the only spot we can see from the house.

You don't need a big pond to get good wildlife action.


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