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The shot that counts


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Went to indoor 3D range today, of course forgot to take pics. Picked out a random animal, happened to be a mountain lion and shot it in the 12 ring from 32 yards(estimated) annnnnd forgot my phone in the truck to take a pic. Shot 20 3D targets 15-40 yards, all vital hits, 2 I was not thrilled with outside the 8 ring.

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11 minutes ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

First shot in a while, and we either have a spines deer or through the straps and gone forever (top one). 28 yards. If I did spine him the follow up shot was money6875fa285be1c88aed5595476032fda5.jpg

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I love seeing honest shots, I often wonder how many first shots are " do overs ."

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I love seeing honest shots, I often wonder how many first shots are " do overs ."

That's the idea of the thread, to identify that you really need to focus on that one shot, and chances are you've been sitting a long time waiting for it. And are probably cold, wearing a lot of clothes etc lol. I'd love to get another 3D round in before season
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12 hours ago, BowmanMike said:

missed my target altogether at 31 yds,but the nock was almost all the way out of the back of the arrow. I will blame it on that and am thankful that happened now and not when i shoot at a deer.

Weird though,haven't had a problem with the arrows before...

Ive made it a habit of flexing each arrow and checking the nocks after ever shot walking back from the target after ive seen some shooting accidents online!

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For your amusement, yesteday I was trying holds like Paul.  15 sec then 25 then 30.  Ok not bad.  Then I tried 50sec.  The hold felt ok but my fingers seemed glued to the string at release.   I couldn't let it go.  Lol.  Hard pull right and into the block wall.  Good news, with the recurve, very easy to let down and draw again. Haha.  That's now the plan if required  


Edited by moog5050
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