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If you could re-write the seasons...


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If you could re-write the deer seasons, how would you propose them.

Season length, NZ and SZ; start / end;  Archery / XBow / MZLoad / Gun (shotgun or rifle); number of deer;  buck or doe;   etc.

Edited by nybuckboy
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bow-sept 25-oct15

Crossbow-nov11-Friday after thanksgiving
Rifle-Saturday after thanksgiving for 16 days.
Muzzleloader-Monday after gun ends for 7 days.

All antlerless tags go to dmp's
1 buck tag per purchase additional buck tag per 50acres owned/leased.
Buck tags can be used in any season.
Mandatory report of all harvests at a check station.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I would like to see a short firearms season, maybe five days long, during late October or early November for senior citizens.  This would permit many older hunters who cannot tolerate the cold or walking with heavy clothing on a chance to get chance in the woods.  Many of the older hunters, myself included, who would normally would find it difficult or not be able to get out in the late November cold could still enjoy their deer season.  Also I fully support one buck per licensed hunter.  Do away with DMP's and give every hunter an antlerless permit with their buck license.


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NZ I’m not going to comment on, I dont Hunt there and don’t pretend to know what it’s like. It’s too different from the SZ. 


Archery (all types of bows) - oct 1 - Saturday before thanksgiving

Regular gun - Saturday before Thanksgiving for 14 days

One week of completely closed 

Regular gun - 7 days

Muzzlaloader/Archery - 10 days

For areas that have a need for more antlerless take, any special season would be unscoped muzzleloader only, and would be decided upon year to year.


Tag structure - 1 buck tag to be used in any season. All antlerless tags go to same structure as current dmps. All tags must be called in, filled or unfilled. If you don’t report all of your tags, you don’t get a lisence the following year. All deer must be checked in at a DEC check (can be done at processors, DEC offices, any store that sells lisences, etc).

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