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Can dogs withstand this cold weather ?


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I am pretty sure dogs were mostly kept outdoors by humans  before 70 or 100 years ago did there genetics change so much in 100 years that they can not survive winter anymore  ?  I think most breeds could if it came down to it . 


Edited by Storm914
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My lab loves it buries his face in the snow and every time someone gets up he runs to the door. It's me who can't be out with him much longer than a half hour. I admit I'd feel bad if he slept outside, but don't have a problem with those who have pets outside with proper shelter and bedding. 

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On 1/6/2018 at 7:11 AM, G-Man said:

And the dog is an indoor fair weather dog..it's prolly never primed it's fur by acclimating to the cold.. think of it like this in the fall you bundle up.when it's 50 out.. come spring 50 is heat wave break out the grill and shorts..  same holds true for dogs.. I have a indoor fair weather cat.. loves to be outside.. last few weeks crys to gp out looks out and decides nope.. but her friend that lives in the barn is out hunting like nothing is wrong.. people's dogs are the same.a primarily  outdoor dog will not come in..we had a husky that we tried to bring in.. 2 min and it wanted back out in the blizzard.. all cases are different.. the dog pic in back of pickup seemed well acclimated but everyone knew it was animal abuse... 

If it obvious like a Mexican hairless shivering on a porch for hours..yes intervene..otherwise mind your own buisness .

We have 2 dogs both of shorter hair (Weim and GSP) that acclimated themselves last year to the cold their coats were so thick it was insane.

Dogs can adapt to the cold temps if left out over longer periods of time with proper shelter. The dogs this year have been inside next to the woodstove, thin hair and have turned into cold wusses and can't handle being out very long in the cold temps. 

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Some dogs like the cold and some don't. Some people like the cold and some don't.

I had a German Shepard/ Husky mix that wouldn't come in the house in the winter no matter what. And during the summer she hid under the deck most of the time. She was a cold-weather dog. She also dug out some pretty incredible 'snow forts' and tunnels.

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