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He Is Still At It

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Introduced 1/14/19:

S1412 - Summary

Relates to establishing additional requirements to purchase a firearm, shotgun or rifle; requires a person to apply for a hunting license prior to the purchase of a shotgun or rifle; establishes additional requirements for all firearms, shotguns and rifles including taking a five hour gun safety course and exam, passing a shooting range test with 90% accuracy, providing notarized proof of a passed drug test and mental health evaluation, providing proof of purchase of firearm and ammunition safe storage depositories and passing a criminal background check.

S1413 - Summary

Relates to requiring social media and search engine reviews prior to the approval of an application or renewal of a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver; requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal; defines terms.

S1414 - Summary

Establishes certain crimes relating to the criminal manufacture or possession of an undetectable firearm, rifle, or shotgun


Brooklyn Senator



Edited by Steve D
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Unchecked ignorance eventuality festers into complete stupidity.  Apparently gun control focused politicians and their supporters have allowed themselves to continue down the road of unchecked ignorance and well as they say, the rest is history!

I was, but now I am never surprised by the fact these gun control politicians and their supports always fail to want to address the root causes of gun violence like illegal drugs, the failed mental health programs, the failed corrections system that is releasing unrepentant violent sociopaths (ex. William Spengler) into society and the failed welfare system that is enabling single mother families whose children are placed at higher risk of becoming victims or criminals of gun violence.

So nothing changes with these gun control politicians except more stupid gun control , NOT gun violence control.

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Nothing changes with these anti-gun leftists, because the people who support them financially, tell them they must keep it up.  They are merely puppets of the elite 1% in the world.  Those elites see gun rights as a threat to their oppressive power agenda.  They despise the masses and consider them vermin.  Politicians who work for them are but paid lackeys willing to sell their souls for a seat at the table of power in the future.

They're too stupid to realize the elites will throw them under the bus as no longer useful, once they achieve their goal.  That's if the masses don't rise up in bloody rebellion first.

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16 hours ago, ADK Native said:

I am never surprised by the fact these gun control politicians and their supports always fail to want to address the root causes of gun violence

I suspect they know the fabric of society has unraveled too far to be fixed at this point. Politics then becomes theater and a vehicle for self aggrandizement. They are just trying to keep the balls up in the air a little longer. But the bus of inevitable tragedy has already sailed off the cliff edge. We simply haven't hit the bottom yet. Not long now though.

Edited by The_Field_Ager
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17 hours ago, Rattler said:

Nothing changes with these anti-gun leftists, because the people who support them financially, tell them they must keep it up.  They are merely puppets of the elite 1% in the world.  Those elites see gun rights as a threat to their oppressive power agenda.  They despise the masses and consider them vermin.  Politicians who work for them are but paid lackeys willing to sell their souls for a seat at the table of power in the future.

They're too stupid to realize the elites will throw them under the bus as no longer useful, once they achieve their goal.  That's if the masses don't rise up in bloody rebellion first.

Some them just put out this outrageous stuff to get attention  from the media .

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Don't kid yourself.  They're serious.  They would love to see these things passed.  Feinstein even said it out loud,  "If I could get a law passed that said Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would!"

They figure the more they keep pushing gun hatred, the sooner the idiots who vote to remove their own rights, will start to accept it as destiny.


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