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Rattling and grunting


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I heard 2 bucks sparring in the swamp across the street from where i hunt while getting dressed yesterday around 4pm...

For me, they usually are locked down and nocturnal to that swamp until pre rut.. Which is pretty much now... Then they cross the street and respond to my calls

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I have never had a lot of luck with hard, noisy rattling....However I have called in quite  a few with light "tickiling" of the horns...

Also,  I think  all kinds of calling are more effective in early season..Early season is the time to be doing it..When they start chasing heavy, they do not respond as well...

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Called in a buck a couple of years ago rattling. A 7 point and I passed him but should've shot just cause of the story.  I rattled and used grunt tube at the same time.  Out in the brush I see a small tree flopping all over the place.  He was pissed and kicking the crap out of that tree.  Then he comes out in trail and runs across about 80 yards out.  I grunt and he comes back out of brush on a beeline. He was a fighter. He was a busted up 7 with a big body.  I passed cause had 2 doe in freezer and was hunting for two 9 pointers I had around. It was def cool.  

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