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Lease Land


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Does anyone have any idea on what the cost is to lease hunting land per acre. I have never leased land before, but I have a farmer in Schuyler county that has 85 acres to lease for a year at $10.00 per acre, with the option to renew the lease year to year. Is there anything special that I should be asking about?

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Moose...I am just down the road from you...

I don't lease, but I know quite a few people that do.. I think $10 an acre is a pretty good price, as long as it is decent hunting land.

Hi Pygmy, That's what I thought, not only is he stating that it is good deer hunting but is also prime turkey hunting. It is located near Arnot Forest and has been posted for the last several years. My Son and I are going to look it over tomorrow.
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Make sure you look it over good. Check topo and aerial maps of it and the surrounding area. Remember to think about prevailing wind and entry/exit paths to the property. Basically, scout it good before you lay your money out. Sounds like a decent price, but if its not a great property, then you arent going to get your money's worth anyway. Also, ask what the lease entails, do you get full year access or just during hunting seasons, can you put in food plots, etc?

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I would add one more thing. Go talk to the landowners around you. See what it's like and try to feel them out. Some guys leased 60 acres across the road from me this year. If they came to me and asked questions I'd be more than happy to help them out. They didn't and actually came in and turned their truck around in my driveway with me standing there and didn't stop to talk. Whatever, I always go the extra mile it gets you three.

Edited by Burt
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A one year lease isn't long enough if you want to put in food plots,improve stand locations,ect. you need to ask if you can do these things, trim lanes ect.., and explain that you would like to have a longer term lease to accomplish your goals even if it meand paying a little more per acre. you might go through a lot out scouting time just to have someone else pay a little more and take it from you....

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I dont lease but know a few people who do.If you truly want

to lease land do your research on the property surounding

lands.check with and check out surrounding land owners.be

sure of what you want to do with the land some land owners

won't allow you to alter the land(food plot,orchards,ponds etc).

Watch leasing land that buts up to state land.alot of times if

its not beeb leased or controlled its hard to get the people

using the state land to stay off your leased land.I have a by luck

setup in the late 80s I approached a land owner because of his

over hunting and unsafe land.to my surprise he game me sole

access to ploice patrol and hunt the land.I added 3 adjacent

properties afterward.The biggest reward is I am allowed to alter the

lands how ever I want.I have multiple foodplots,put in a pond,added

a small apple and pear orchard.trimmed hardwoods(oaks) better acorn

production.So be specific when leasing land know what you want and

be sure the owner knows and allows it.

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10 dollars an acre for any hunting lease with even semi decent hunting on it is a very cheap price. The going norm is about a 1000 for every 50 acres. I have searched this alot and I have a couple leases as well. For example I am looking at a lease in Stueben county that is 68 acres that borders all farm land with an old apple orchard in it for 1300. What you need and I cannot stress this enough is liability insurance. Most private land owner leases do not have it as an option for you. Most leasing agencies that represent landowners offer it or include it as part of teh lease. For example that 68 acres has a 3 million dollar liability insuranc policy for a fee of less than 100 a year that each person on the lease has to pay. Its cheap and if you ever need it and dont have it you will lose your arse. Getting the liability insurance yourself might be more never looked but the leaseing companies usually from what I can tell get it so cheap from the quanity of lease members they have. Also if you build or leave a temporary or permanent structure on the lease and you care about it or its content I recomend insuring that as well plus contents, This is a couple hundred more a year. I have had to claim on this as some scumbags shot out the windows of my camp and stole some proerty out of it. Insurance covered the damages and contents. Just something for you to think about to protect yourself. Also make sure you are the first option to renew and I recomend doing this in advance and not waiting till the last day, they will start looking for others to fill the void if your not prompt and ahead of them, its their land they can throw you out and get the next guy offering up a few hundred more.

Edited by wdswtr
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That is a great deal to lease. I can tell you know matter where the land is over there (which has to be right near rt 13 I am guessing) is pretty good hunting.Down the Road in Newfield near Charlies Towing there has been 9 bears in a group all summer and fall. You might even get a crack a bear. Lots of low farm land low then woods up on the hills. Cornell owns alot of land over there, and then local logging company owns alot too, and then several large farms. Also a very nice Archery Shop there called Arnot Forest Archery.

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