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My sob story

Forest Hunter

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Second, if you hit low (stomach) you need to back out at least 6 hrs. Bring a friend along to help track if possible. (Really no indication where he hit this deer) If all else fails call deer search and they will find it. You have to exhaust every option to find a wounded deer.

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wow everyones up in arms. ive made a yardage mistake before searched for hours to no avail. it happens to everyone at some point in time. but hes young and will hopefully grow up and learn from his mistakes. me personally when i have lost a wounded deer buck or doe makes me sick to my stomach.

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Doc.... I was going to leave it at what I said before ...but your comment needs a reply not for you as much as a young hunter...so heres my "lecture"

I have a person near me that is in their forties...that has basically the same attitude...EVERY single year I find dead deer on our place 2 this year....get the calls I "shot at one can I trail?" and he and some times both of us trail...but I then find ...Well not sure where ...hit high...low...gun sight is off ....need new bow...the list is endless...one year..."it didn't look hit so I didn't look"...A beautiful 6pt I'd let walk 5 min before.... heard the shot and found in our creek a week later...now this person has "taught " their spouse and Oh ya.... Yep I have two of them now...Just makes me ill.

See the problem is this type of person sees it's quarry as just a target...and not a living creature...one that interacts with it's herd members....carries and cares for it's young....works hard to survive a rather tough life....unlike a video image that moves around on a screen to be shot and killed ...these creatures we hunt have beating hearts and a brain...nerve endings and yes THEY FEEL PAIN....They feed us...give us a feeling of peace and even joy in watching them and WE as hunters HAVE to have a feeling of respect in all our endeveors to Kill them....formost in that is a CLEAN kill...This is not always possible believe me I know..... but if one can't feel a sadness or even some guilt in not achieving this ...well they shouldn't be out there "trying to kill anything''

It's nice he was excited to see a deer and even get a shot...but to have an OH well maybe next time attitude is something he needs to hear form other hunters as not quite exceptable...this isn't a video game...thay aren't rats in a land fill.....they deserve some empathy and a lot of skill from hunters......and ask some of the guys that saw and or got nothing this year...they really aren't an endless resource

So if he's reading this...We under stand the excitement and hope you understand our reactions...I for one don't want another 40 something yr. old hunter out there with the attitude...I'll just keep shooting until I get one down that I can touch....Also Deer Find would have loved a call from a young hunter such as your self to help trail.....It doen't need to be a "trophy" buck for them to come out...they just want to show the deer the respect it deserves in being retrieved...

Now I wish you luck in the future and don't take our reactions as anything but wanting you to go afield with a good attitude from the get go

Edited by growalot
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i know this is kinda off topic but i lost a doe 2 yrs ago because a neighboring land owner would not let me on his land to continue on the blood trail made me sick to my stomach and i pleaded with the guy offered to put bow in truck and even asked if he would escort me to find it to no avail he said the coyotes will eat good

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I am sorry that i did not add on that i felt like total sh*t for not getting a good shot on the deer and it probably had to suffer. I am the only one if my family that hunts and i put everything i can into it. I really have just learned from books and how to's. Im sorry i made all of you angry i was just trying to say that im in love with hunting and i am never going to forget the exitement i had when i heard the arrow hit. I am sorry.

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Wow, OK Bubba, here is the response that you have been fishing for. We are all aware that you are an instructor. I can tell by your "disclaimer" that you are an instructor. I couldn't care less that you are an instructor. Why should anyone care that you are an instructor? What do you instruct, Bubba? Self promotion? Drama class? I couldn't care less about this thread, it is you and your "disclaimer" that are irritating. How many times are you going to say that you are out of this thread, only to come back and try to keep it going?

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No need to let some of the negative comments here rattle ya too much Forest. Learn from some of the helpfull pointers others have offered and hopefully next season we'll get to hear your hero story with a quick, clean kill. Don't loose that enthusiasm you have either. You may need that in the future to motivate you through even tougher endings to a days hunt.

BTW- no need to appologize. I've read a lot worse stories on here.

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I am sorry that i did not add on that i felt like total sh*t for not getting a good shot on the deer and it probably had to suffer. I am the only one if my family that hunts and i put everything i can into it. I really have just learned from books and how to's. Im sorry i made all of you angry i was just trying to say that im in love with hunting and i am never going to forget the exitement i had when i heard the arrow hit. I am sorry.

Don't beat yourself up over it anymore. Some people forget where they came from, and even some "instructors" have no business making comments. It's sucks that you have had no one to teach you. I hope you have better luck in the future, and I am sure that you made every effort to recover your buck. Please don't let a few out of line comments ruin our sport for you. Don't be run - off by this forum, it is just a collection of opinions, no one on here has the right to judge anyone else.

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if your asking for advice forest or insight on how you did that day here is my point of view.

You gave up too easy looking for that deer. you should have backed out once you say he stopped bleeding and gone back out in the morning.

now because of that don't give up hunting, ask ask ask questions. i ask some that i am sure some people on here think are stupid but i don't care. you always learn something from asking. read alot. hunting shows are not that realistic, pick and choose what you might use from them. you will never stop learning about deer and when you think you have it figured out then the weather changes and so do the deers pattern. so good luck learning

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Thanks paula, I did go back the next morning and i only found about 5 yards more of the bloodtrail since there was daylight then. The 5 yards i found where just tiny specs i had to get on my hands and knees to look at and then i searched the whole valley. I thought maybe he would have bedded down for the night in some thickets but i looked all over the property i can hunt. It went from literally a 6inch wide bloodtrail for about 6 feet after he pulled the arrow out and then just got cut to a trickle. I don't know what happened i think that after he pulled that arrow out and the fact i did not make a perfect hit he started to clot up.When i found my arow and there was blood ALL over i was almost sure i had him. I was out there all night until my flashlight died. Im not 100% sure if he made it or not but i hope he did because if he did not i do not have a clue what happened after i lost the trail.

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well skillet if you could read, every time I post something unpopular some moron such as yourself has to remind me I am a hunter ed intructor and tell me what I should have for an opinion. However if you want a pissing match, feel free to piss away. I am sure my stream is bigger than yours. I hope I made your day to rant about someything if which you know nothing about. But that is nothing new for you. Now go have that nicotine fix you so need and maybe breakfast beer and settle in. After all addiction is a tough thing I understand.

Edited by bubba
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Last year i went by myself. I was not sure if i had to be with an adult or not, i did not find anything on the DEC that said i needed to be with an adult. If that is the case woops. I think if your 12 or 13 you need to have an adult to go bowhunting. Setting up a treestand by myself was a real pain. Im the only liscensed hunter in my family and really the only one that has an intrest in it. I hunt on a farm and the farmer and i go hunting sometimes and i learn from him mostly. He is usually busy and we only went rifle hunting together once. So after that long winded rabble i do only go by myself.

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It's nice to hear more about the story. Remember when you post include all the details. A post can easily be taken a different way by another reader. Keep at it and this is the place to ask questions especially when you don't have anyone close to you that hunts. I wish you luck next year, remember practice often, the thrill of the hunt comes down to closing the deal. Nothing like standing over your trophy knowing you did something many can't.

We were all in your place t some time in our hunting careers, your kill will come have patience nd practice.


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