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Good reads for winter's nights


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I reading Team of Rivals about Lincoln and his cabinet. Real good, long but good. That poor guy had some early life. His grandparents cane thru the Cumberland Gap with Boone. Lots of trouble in his early years, near stavation. Historians depict him as depressed. Not from what I'm reading so far. Lots more troubles but he kept his sense of humor. I read Mountain Man that Jeremiah Johnson was based on. Much much better than the film. I read Lewis & Clark's journals. Got chased by grizzlies more than I'd want. And I have a copy of Hugh Glass, the character that was Zack Bass in Man in the Wilderness with Richard Harris. Biographical but kind of a stretched yarn that's hard to swallow whole. My favorite is Death in the Tall Grass. The stories that used to give me the willies at night in Outdoor Life when i was a kid. Wounded lions, rouge elephants, leopard's picking off villagers at night. Want to read about about the lions of Tsavo. Nasty buggers. They killed more than 35 people in less than a year before being found and killed by Colonel John Patterson.

Edited by Suilleabhain
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Read all Clive Cussler's books with Dirk Pitt. Don't like the others. Also read first six novels by Daniel Silva - Gabriel Allon series. Really good if you like espionage etc. Five more to go in that series. Now I'm reading With God on a Deer Hunt by Steve Chapman. Really good short stories about God and nature.

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All my reads this year...in chronological order from oldest to most recent:

One Hundred Years of Solitude:

I couldn't finish this one. Half way through I gave up on it.

0 out of 5 stars

Day By Day Armaggedon Trilogy (books 1 and 2):

Written by an active military memeber. Written as a survivor of a zombie holocaust from a series or journal entries. Book 3 is on hold while the author is on active duty.

5 out of 5 stars

The Hunger Games Trilogy:

Don't laugh. I read the first book of the Twilight series just to see what all the hype was all about and since then, I have never picked up another twilight book or saw a single second of any of the movies. That's how disgusted I was by it. The Hunger Games was different. I picked up the first book just to see what it was about and I flew right through all three books and now I'm actually waiting to see the movie.

4.5 out of 5 stars

The Road:

2 out of 5 stars

The Strain Trilogy:

4 out of 5 stars

Rats: Observation on the History and Habitat of the City's Most Unwanted Inhabitants:

More of a history of New York than anything about the rats themselves. Written like a history text book. Very dry.

1 out of 5 stars

Unlikely Friendships: 47 Remarkable Stories from the Animal Kingdom:

2 out of 5 stars

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

1 out of 5 stars

Girl Hunter: Revolutionizing the Way We Eat, One Hunt at a Time:

Written by a chef who decided to pick up hunting to get closer to the food and gets hooked on hunting. This book is more about the people she meets, the cultures she experienced, and a cook book. Not so much about hunting.

2 out of 5 stars

War Horse:

Figure I read the book before I watch the movie.

3 out of 5 stars

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo:

I just started on this one

Edited by Elmo
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I'm on and off. If I catch a good one, I'll fly through it. If I get stuck with a boring one, it'll take me months. The Day by Day and Hunger Games Trilogies are all really short books. Unlikely Frendships and War Horse is also only like 140 pages.

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My side of the mountain is a pretty good book, kinda short, but its a very good book, shows how the kid made traps and stuff, its about a kid that ran away to the moutains and survived by himself and a hunter shot a hawk or something and wounded it andthe kid kept the bird and helped it back and then the bird use to hunt with him and stuff. Its a good book.

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I reading Team of Rivals about Lincoln and his cabinet. Real good, long but good. That poor guy had some early life. His grandparents cane thru the Cumberland Gap with Boone. Lots of trouble in his early years, near stavation. Historians depict him as depressed. Not from what I'm reading so far. Lots more troubles but he kept his sense of humor. I read Mountain Man that Jeremiah Johnson was based on. Much much better than the film. I read Lewis & Clark's journals. Got chased by grizzlies more than I'd want. And I have a copy of Hugh Glass, the character that was Zack Bass in Man in the Wilderness with Richard Harris. Biographical but kind of a stretched yarn that's hard to swallow whole. My favorite is Death in the Tall Grass. The stories that used to give me the willies at night in Outdoor Life when i was a kid. Wounded lions, rouge elephants, leopard's picking off villagers at night. Want to read about about the lions of Tsavo. Nasty buggers. They killed more than 35 people in less than a year before being found and killed by Colonel John Patterson.

I downloaded the free sample of Team of Rivals to my Nook and started reading it. I could not put it down. Really well written. I finished 161 pages of the sample in less than an hour. I ended up buying the book. Read another 50 pages. Just 1000 more to go!

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Read all Clive Cussler's books with Dirk Pitt. Don't like the others. Also read first six novels by Daniel Silva - Gabriel Allon series. Really good if you like espionage etc. Five more to go in that series. Now I'm reading With God on a Deer Hunt by Steve Chapman. Really good short stories about God and nature.

that is a very good book. i have the paper back and its very small easy to put in my bow bag and read in my tree stand when i go in for the afternoon hunt. very good short stories.
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