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Palin is $itch slappin Obama on C-Span........

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Good point: Palin is BAD for the Republican party...even for the tea-drinkers, but they are in her league intelligence-wise, so they don't notice.

For you worthies who think she is hot....Take her water skiing: You will like that bikini...and maybe you will catch an alligator! (Trolling with Sarah P...now the is yet another book title!)

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why is she so bad? If she had not been managed by a bunch of fools in mccains campaign and been allowed to go out and speak the truth rather than the white washed crap allowed mccain would be president now. She didnt get to be a governor because she is dumb. She is exactly what we need someone not afraid to say what they stand for and be willing to run on it rather than say what the polls say they should say. She has more of a back bone than any of the fools running. So is good ol mitt what we need or newt? Such sexist comments never help. I would love to have any of you including me debate he ron the issues we all seem to have the answers for.

Edited by bubba
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I don't see how she has hoodwinked anyone. Seems pretty intelligent to me.

I'm not getting into this thread to deep but one way was last year when she didn't decide if she was going to run yet still was accepting money of her fans just in case she did run. She likes the media attention and money...like any politician. lol

Does any one remember how she up and quit office at all?

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if you want to fall into all the media hype why she quit yes. I guess going into the national spotlight was too much. She liked her private life and when you go there you have none. That was a major reason she decided not to run. Her whole life was raked over the coals much unlike other candidates who are now president. And I guess the billion obama wants to raise if there is any left he will return it?

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if you want to fall into all the media hype why she quit yes. I guess going into the national spotlight was too much. She liked her private life and when you go there you have none. That was a major reason she decided not to run. Her whole life was raked over the coals much unlike other candidates who are now president. And I guess the billion obama wants to raise if there is any left he will return it?

Bubba she has a TV studio in her house, no lie.

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